Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Zero Energy

Can you believe all of us have zero energy? We slept most of the day.

- Leaving the house extremely mess
- piles of dishes
- papers everywhere
- piles of laundry
- food crumbles on the table and floor
and many more....

I can't stand the mess but who is going to clean it all up for us?


Anonymous said...

Oh, are you guys OKAY? I wonder who will clean up all the MESS for you?

Take it easy!


Cathy/Grandma/Mom said...

When you leave the mess and just lay around, that is named a "mental Health Day" Good for you!!

Deby said...

Hey there... I bet that my mess is bigger than your mess.

I got sick on Wednesday and still feel like crud. I'm on meds now, but motivation for cleaning is at an all time low! Maybe I'll take a nap and see if the mess grows by itself while the babies and I sleep. ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't even have the excuse of little kids anymore, and my house is a mess. Nowadays I have to blame the dogs. They never clean anything. worthless mutts!