Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Drawing a Picture

For months, he usually scribble the pictures. This time, I worked with him on drawing basic pictures. I instructed him with shapes such as making : two circles for the bodies, two circle eyes, two triangles for the ears, etc. It turned out that he did a really good job on following the directions despite of having too many legs.

Not only following the instruction, he is able to spell simple words on his own. Spelling "cat" is one of the simple words he can spell without my help. His cursive writing has improved for the last few months because I had requested his special education and general education teacher to focus on his fine motor, especially in writing.

The next day, he started picking up the appropriate drawing picture such as rainbow. Let's see how he does with other simple pictures. So, look out for the future pictures! What do you think of his drawing a picture of a cat?


Cathy/Grandma/Mom said...

I have never seen a better cat picture!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great job, Ryan! I should have you work with Danae, Laura.