Saturday, May 10, 2008

Spooky Lights

In the middle of mid-morning, we were woken up by having our bedroom light on. We thought it was our older son, Dylan accidentally turned the light on as if he was coming in our bedroom. It wasn't. He was sound asleep in his own room. Ryan was already in our bed before the light came on.

After the bedroom light had interrupted us, we inspected in our upstairs rooms. We also saw our living room light went on. Why did two lights go on ? I thought it was bizarre because I was the ones who turned the entire house lights off and locked the doors before I hit the sack.

Don't you think it might be any of us had been sleep walking? David denied that he didn't do it. I was already dead tired. So, what do you think it caused the lights to go on?


Furry Bottoms said...

Oooo. Spooky!!! Maybe someone on the Other Side is thinking of you and wanted to let you know. My doorbell flasher does that sometimes. It would start flashing but the dog doesn't bark and there's nobody at the door. it gives me the chills, but at the same time, a friend of mine who died a few years ago told me she would find a way to let me know she was thinking of me, so I decided to accept that the doorbell flashing was from her. Brings me a little peace! Better than being freaked out.

Anonymous said...

If you have a remote control device on your fan lights it could be that a neighbor has one set to the same frequency. But it is nice to think that a departed loved one is saying hi to you :)