Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

This is a couple of rounds my kids and I had gone to Pumpkin Patch. But this time, they had not gone to our home area: Bonita's Pumpkin Patch. It is about 15 minutes to drive. It was a perfect excuse to have fun especially on Halloween's afternoon.

The moment we walked in the Patch, Dylan and I were able to go all over the Pumpkin Patch for an hour before we stopped by McDonald's for a lunch. The kids immediately pet the hornless goats by feeding them with the leaves. They also have rabbits. Rabbits eat gourds. Ryan especially enjoyed feeding the animals while Dylan enjoyed exploring every where. Soon, Ryan followed his brother.

After feeding the goats and rabbits, the boys and I joined the Hay-Ride while David was out for a Halloween Scuba Diving. . Dylan survived through because he was holding his breath from the hay. Ryan enjoyed the sight seeing even the dirt was blowing up in the air. On the road, we were able to see the pumpkin patch and several scare crows around the patch.

Once the driver dropped us off at the front of Corn Maze Entrance, Dylan and I enjoyed finding their way to get out of a maze. But to my astonishment, Ryan decided to cut through the maze. He walked through the corn maze. Dylan soon followed his foot step. I had wanted to go back and find the proper way out. Since I am the only adult for my boys, I could not catch them up. I let cheat this time.

As soon as we got out of a maze, we were already in the Pumpkin Patch field. They found a pumpkin that they liked. So I purchased one of each. You could not image how exciting they were to cut their own pumpkin. While they were anxious to cut their own pumpkin, all of us decided to be silly piglets for the picture.

By the time we got home, the boys were anxiously to CUT their pumpkin NOW. I had to instruct them: markers, cut on the top, taking the seeds out, rinse and baked them.

Yet, I thought it was a perfect Halloween afternoon.

1 comment:

C and B Scene said...

Those are really cute jack o lanterns. byt the picture of you three as piglets is the best.
