Saturday, January 9, 2010


This picture suits Dylan quite well regarding his desperation for more Pezs over the past three days. It happened twice within a week.

The first time, Ryan came up to me complaining, " Dylan left all of the money all over my computer desk." This forced me to go upstairs to find out what was going on. Good enough, I indeed did find coins all over Ryan's desk. The coins were combined both Dylan's and Ryan's piggy bank. I asked Dylan to tell me what was happening.

He explained to me that Ryan had agreed to buy a Pez Movie. Dylan actually thought Ryan would love to watch ANY movie. Thus, he felt that buying Pez Movie would satisfy to both of them. I then asked Ryan if he had wanted to watch Pez Movies, or buy his DS Games. Ryan replied, "I wanted more Mario DS games." Automatically, I knew Dylan was trying to scapegoat Ryan on buying a PEZ movie for himself. I scolded Dylan. My comment was, "Dylan, you know that the money only benefit for you, NOT Ryan." He got a cat in his tongue. As a result, I told Dylan, that all of the money he had saved (though Ryan had a lot more money than Dylan) will go to Ryan because of this consequences.

On that night, he had a tear in his eyes. He mentioned, "That was the saddest night of my life. I have learned my lesson." I believe that Tough Love was all necessary.

The second time of this week, Dylan came up to me that Ryan had decided to let him buy him more pezs. I had a suspection. I came up to Ryan again. This time, I had to ask him a straight-forward question., "Ryan, was it your idea to give Dylan the money for his pez?" Ryan just laughed and said, "Yes, it was my idea. He can have my money." I twisted his mind and then asked him, "Would you like to get more Puffle?" He wanted a red puffle from Club Penguin. I knew it. After I got an answer from Ryan, Dylan came up to me, " I'm dead serious. I'm telling you the truth. Do you believe me?" Without upsetting him heavily, I simply told him, "It happened twice in this week. Thus, I had a suspect ion." Dylan gulped.

Apparently, Dylan needs to attend, "Pez Anonymous Meeting." But for one thing, he has not change his personality. He always finds a way to sneak it around since he was four.

1 comment:

C and B Scene said...

Another way to handle this is to tell Dylan that if Ryan says it is okay to borrow Ryans share of the maney, Dylan can do so. But it is a loan and loans chave to be repaid with interest. Tell Dylan that after he spends the loan to buy the Pez e, he will have to pay Ryan back WITH 10% INTEREST on the loan before he can buy anything more (ever) with the money he (Dylan) earns. Help Dylan do the math.. If he borrows $10, he has to pay Ryan $11 back You could even set a time limit on how soon he has to repay it, and charge him an extra 1% penalty ( 11% interest not 10%) if he is late. Explain it is Just like a nank or credit card loan... Make him sign a contract for the loan.

Chances are pretty good after you do the math with him he won't want to use Ryans money. But if he does it will teach him about borrowing and interest on loans.

Love Mom/CC