Monday, March 22, 2010

Children's Museum

Right after we went out for a morning hiking, I took the boys to The New Children Museum in downtown San Diego. I would give a thumb-up if my kids were younger than they are at right now. They did not mind for an hour and a half because it was relatively new, and was their first time.

Dylan pretended that he is one of the Ninjas.
Ryan did pretty good on making a picture out of colorful tapes.
Ryan was gallant enough to try out for rock climbing while Dylan was afraid of height.

Dylan was trying to make the world largest bubble.

Last before we left for home, I thought this was one of the amazing balloon creatures.
What does it look like to you?

This is the first and probably last time I would take my boys to The New Children Museum. They are getting too old to attend this event. I am planning on taking them out to variety place around San Diego over our two week of a Spring Break.


Furry Bottoms said...

Wow, I'm noticing that Ryan's face is changing a bit. Growing up?

Mandee said...

Looks like so much fun! I want to go there the next time we're in town!

Deby said...

How fun! Granted, they are more at the Natural History Museum level now, but I think they still enjoyed themselves.

I'll have to take my two short ones when we come back to town.

Fun pictures. :)

Anonymous said...

It looks a bird nest.
