Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hide N' Seek

While I was looking for Ryan to come downstairs and started on his homework before dinner, he was no where to be found. It took me a minute to figure it out until I saw something rattled.

When I opened our Linden Basket, I just laughed because I could not image that my six and a half year old son even fit in our linden basket. Also, I thought it was a good place to hide where my other clean clothes were next to the basket. Have you ever had experience hiding from your parents or your child (ren) hiding from you?


Anonymous said...

darn cute!

Cheryl said...

Very cute! I think he may be part cat. If there's a box to be hidden in, our cats will find it.

Furry Bottoms said...

Clever.... just clever!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow...what a clever boy Ryan is becoming, testing the parents' water!