Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dr. Robert Davila's Visit

Since we named our Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program after Dr. Robert R. Davila, he kept his promise to visit our school site since last Fall.  On the day he informed my boss, who is a coordinator,  that he wanted to visit our program.  For months, we slowly made a progress in our programs such as installing the Video Phones, getting our printers working from Smart Board, and few other things.

On the day before his arrival, we gathered everything especially from my boss who worked SO HARD!  One of the lists were having our students painting the signs that says, " Welcome Dr. Davila", and making the signs "Reserved Parking for Dr. Davila."   Pizza, drinks, cookies (of course I didn't eat this) and light and dark purple balloons.  We even had our school mascot, "Dalmatian " with purple banana statue.  Ironically, Dr. Robert Davila had a dalmatian dog when he was a young boy.  This gives an addition reason for choosing mascot is that 80 % of dalmatian dog is deaf.

By the time of his arrival, he brought his long time friend.  Many of my students kept asking me, "Is Dr. Davila here yet?" or trying to peek through the one way door's window.   I had to manage their excitement because they had learned a little bit about him especially when we all learned many different hand shapes for "D."  His name for Davila is one of them.  He smiled when he saw the hand shapes and a picture of him posing on the wall in my classroom.   He did visit each classroom.

While he was still having a lunch with all of us,  I did take a picture of each of my students. So I can printed and give it to them for their life time memory.   Not only taking pictures of my students,  I made sure to have someone taking picture of me and Dr. Davila. He sure was VERY OUTGOING AND FRIENDLY person.  Not only being an outstanding and friendly person, he even shared his fantasized story when he was a child. He miraculously made it through to the top!  I am really proud for his achievement.
He and I had an opportunity to have a chit chat.  He did ask me few questions such as where did I graduate and is there any deaf staff.  He did not realize I was the only deaf teacher.  Guess it was because I was signing and speaking at the same time. I know he did the same thing.   At the end of the day, I requested to have a signature of my Deaf Life Magazine for me and my husband.  He did not hesitate at all.   I also told him that I would be happy to send a copy of pictures on CD.  He seemed to be pleased because I was the only ones who actually brought the camera (it does not make any difference because I ALWAYS carry my camera in case) while
others were taking pictures from their phone. 

At the end of the day, it was a splendid day that he actually came to our school.  I would not say that it is our school.  This include him.   Frankly, it was awesome to see him beaming his smile when he saw a huge picture of him hanging above the wall.  He deserved this well after he had worked hard for himself and the deaf community.

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