Friday, November 13, 2009

Community Service

This time, my younger son has another project for his second grade class. His class was learning about the Community Services. He chose, "Mail Carrier."

I started helping him to put the blue paper over the little shoe boxes. The rest of the other part of his project, he did on his own.

At the end of his project, he was so proud of his achievement. But I wanted to tell you something funny. As soon as he finished the project, he told me, " I have an idea. Let's going to Ms. Welter's House (his teacher) and bring the cats to her house." (In case you need to review, look at his envelope on the side of his box.)


C and B Scene said...

That's cute. Why did he think his teacher would like the cats? Mom/cc

Laura and the family said...

I honesty don't know how did he come up with this idea.