Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halloween Night

Right after we finished cutting the pumpkins, the boys were all excited to go out for a trick or treat. However, we had to wait until David came home from Scuba Diving. He came home in time for the boys to go out for Halloween activity.

The full moon showed behind our backyard. It was a PERFECT way of showing Halloween spirit. The kids were out in the neighbor. The more I go out for Halloween with my kids, the less kids were out there. I felt so bad for the kids for not seeing the same thing that David and I went through. But at least they had a good time.

This year, we decided to dress themselves up as a Pirate because we just bought expensive clothes for the Cruises. They accepted my suggestion. Thank goodness. They also liked my idea of picking only ten candies out of a tons of candies from trick or treat. The rest of the candies were passed it out at David's work.

Also, we ended up agreeing that next year we all will be going out to the stores where they pass the candies out-- just like my mom did at her work. It will save our money and time. Not only saving our time, this will be a lot more fun for my kids.

1 comment:

C and B Scene said...

I agree that it is sad that the little kids do not get the fun you had going house to house. Unfortunately wierdo adults who spike candy with drugs, and snotty mouthed nearly grown up teenagers who went door to door demanding candy pretty much spoiled it for everyone.

Well at least there are organized parties at churches, haunted houses, and sjops who still welcome little kids.

They look cute in their outfits.

PS glad to see you got a camera... I've missed reading your blogs

PSS Did David enjoy the dive trip? Bruce will be soooo jealous.