Monday, June 15, 2009


School is approaching to the end. It is so hard to juggle: teaching students and packing at the same time until the last day of school. In fact, I have started packing my stuff in boxes. Some of the boxes go to my new school sites. The other boxes are either going to specific school for another Special Education class, Special Education Department and Curriculum Department. Oh boy, it is so complicated. I have had to write it all down so I know where the boxes are supposed to go.

Like I said I have started packing things a week ago, I had no choice except doing this less job for doing this daily for an hour after school. My sons are kept in the Extended Student Services (E.S.S.) That is the only way it speeds me up. Now, I have four more days left to finish packing the boxes before June 19th, my last day of school.

The truth is that it is going to be hard to say good bye to the wonderful staff at Maryland Avenue. I especially will have a hard time saying good bye to my wonderful aide, Jo Beth. She has been incredible by helping me to what I was supposed to with the pre-school and first graders. Shortly after she taught me, I was able to do it on my own with out much of her help.She felt that it was my natural of teaching. However, I wanted to give her my gracious gift. She will be pleased what I got it from San Diego County Fair, because I know she uses spa daily. (Of course, I stole the idea from my parents in laws' backyard.)

1 comment:

Furry Bottoms said...

how funny! I hope she likes the sign! :)