Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hearing Aider
However, this is a really funny yet true story about this particular hearing student. A few weeks after she was sent to Oral class, she noticed she was different from her classmates. The difference is that she did not have any hearing aids nor wearing a Cochlear Implants, a popular fad for the hearing parents of deaf child. She had requested her mother to purchase a hearing aid. Have you ever thought about a hearing child wants a hearing aid? It cracked me up. Without saying no to this child, the mother had an idea. The mother of a hearing child ordered a Plush hearing aid from the Build A Bear Workshop Store online. It was only two dollars. (This will be interesting when it arrives, seeing her wearing a plush hearing aid, and reacting from her and the other deaf students.)
Not only requesting by providing her a hearing aid, she also pleaded to go to the speech therapy because all of her deaf classmates go to speech therapy. She raised her hand, "Me too, I need to have a speech lesson!" Who ever thought about liking to go to a speech therapy? She was one of the unique children who would request for a speech therapy. I did not like attending speech therapy until I was in high school due to wanting to practice for my Key Note Graduation. But I thought this is one of the funniest stories I have ever had in my teaching years.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Elizabetian Collar
As soon as two weeks pass by, he will return to a normal kitten. He deserves it because we enjoy feeling him purring constantly no matter with our without Elizabethan Collar. I will post the picture as soon he is fully recovers.
School Name
At first, we planned on naming the school: I. King Jordan, the first Deaf Gallaudet President in 124 years. But knowing it would be extremely difficult because Gallaudet is a deaf and signing school. We did not want to give the parents the wrong impression while they are favoring their child to be in oral program.
By the time I got home from staff meeting, I had a deliberation with my husband. He gave me several pin points of why we should be naming the school, "Davila Day School." I then immediately e-mailed to my boss. From that point, she e-mailed all of the staff to vote either: I.K. Jordan, or Davila Day School.
Here are the reasons we are naming the school, "Davila Day School":
1. Robert Davila became deaf at the age of 8
2. He was president of CAID
3. He was vice president of Gallaudet for 20 years.
2. Was a former secretary assistant Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services in the U.S. Department of Education (1989 - 1993) He was one of the highest federal ranking deaf individuals.
3. Was superintendent of the New York School for the Deaf in White Plains (93-96)
4. Was selected to be the President for National Institution for the Deaf (96-06) until he retired.
5. Was a temporary replacement after I. K. Jordon, left Gallaudet University. (07)
6. He can speak and write Spanish fluently-- even has developed a clear speaking voice as well as a confident signing. –
The result of the vote was "Davila Day School." I honesty can say I am pleased because I would certainly think that would be appropriate. Now, we are exciting to put the new sign, "Davila Day School." And more importantly, we, the staff, all are anxious to invite Robert Davila to welcome the offically new program: Davila Day School.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Adopting Kittens
Just yesterday, David announced that we would be going to Animal Human Society to get a kitten. Boy, don't you know getting this wonderful news made us exciting? By the time, we got there, we ended up getting two kittens for the same price as for one kitten.
Actually, our kittens are seven months old. They both are very outgoing people instead of the black and white kitten that we saw at the Human Society. The Black and White kitten was too shy and exciting. We had to think of a long term about the kitten's personality. Thus, we ended up getting gray and white, and orange and white kittens.
After they spent the night with us, we finally come to the conclusion on naming our two kittens: Star and Moonlight. Star is an orange and white cat. Moonlight is gray and white. The reason why we chose their names were they came from a universe.
Update Classroom
This is the first time in a long time, I have to work lots of paperwork over the weekend because of high demanding parents. In a way, it is good to see many students have supports at home than I had in years. Thus, I had to keep my work up over the years, including using the practice book from the curriculum books at all subjects.
While I have high demanding parents, I came up lots of visual aids and hand-on activities. For instance, I had students created their Geography diorama: Desert, Forrest, and Mountain in time for the Open House. Another thing I have done was having each students making Earth after they had learned recognizing 4 oceans and 7 continents.
Since I kept the class under the control yet keep them motivation at the same time, I came up with the ideas of positive rewarding the tickets. Earning a ticket or two are for: having positive behavior all week, reading five books per week, doing all of the homework from the spiral book, and getting 80 % or better on Quiz/Test. At the end of each month, we do the prize drawing. THEY LOVE it!
Not only students loving my ideas, my BIG boss from the County expressed to me, " I am SOOO thrilled to have you here. I always get exciting whenever I walk in your classroom. You are a good teacher." Don't you know how I feel when I see that statement from my BIG boss from the County?" It inspired me.
Both of our boys like to collect things as hobbies. It was a good thing because they can earn their badge for having a hobby. Dylan started out collecting Pez. As of right now, he has 74 Pez. His destination is to get over 1, 3000 Pez. Do you think he will make it? He also collect shells after he liked the idea from his brother, Ryan. Not only collecting shells, they collect the quarter states. Didn't you know it is also include Puerto Rico?? I sure was stunned to see this one.
Ryan started liking shells when we were on our lastDisney tour, Cast Away. He did find some of the amazing things: the smallest white squirl shell on the beach. From that moment, he wanted to collect more. Lucky, he was able to get it more from my mom's work. She works at the Sea Shell Store. It was perfect for him to collect new things he likes. In fact, Ryan was so happy to get it more shells from my mom. He got the biggest shells which made Dylan envy. But I had a pin point to him that he has lots of PEZs. He settled himself down. Not only collecting shells, he only likes Snow Globe that I got him from the Disney store. He will get it more on Christmas.
Since both of the boys like to collect shells, it means we will have to change their bedroom theme. It is a matter of time because they are growing up like a weed.