Sunday, September 6, 2009


Do you remember you collect things while you were growing up? If so, what did you collect? I did collect several things: rocks, shells, pennies, and owls.

Both of our boys like to collect things as hobbies. It was a good thing because they can earn their badge for having a hobby. Dylan started out collecting Pez. As of right now, he has 74 Pez. His destination is to get over 1, 3000 Pez. Do you think he will make it? He also collect shells after he liked the idea from his brother, Ryan. Not only collecting shells, they collect the quarter states. Didn't you know it is also include Puerto Rico?? I sure was stunned to see this one.

Ryan started liking shells when we were on our lastDisney tour, Cast Away. He did find some of the amazing things: the smallest white squirl shell on the beach. From that moment, he wanted to collect more. Lucky, he was able to get it more from my mom's work. She works at the Sea Shell Store. It was perfect for him to collect new things he likes. In fact, Ryan was so happy to get it more shells from my mom. He got the biggest shells which made Dylan envy. But I had a pin point to him that he has lots of PEZs. He settled himself down. Not only collecting shells, he only likes Snow Globe that I got him from the Disney store. He will get it more on Christmas.

Since both of the boys like to collect shells, it means we will have to change their bedroom theme. It is a matter of time because they are growing up like a weed.

1 comment:

C and B Scene said...

Ryan got the biggest shell because he picked big shells when we went to the shell shop.

Dylan chose pretty shells but they were smaller than the ones that Ryan picked out during the same visit. So Dylan has no reason to be envious. It was his choice. He could have had a lions paw too.