The chance of getting close to the reindeer was to take the first 500 attendance to get free picture with Santa Claus and two reindeer. We indeed were lucky to be one of the among attendances. Instead of waiting for the boys' turn, they desperately wanted to take a closer look at the reindeer.
Before we allowed them to have fun, we rushed out for Mexican lunch before the crowded came. The food was too good to get FREE Kids' meal, while the adults had to pay their own meal. Oh well, we are being thrifty especially having Christmas around the corner. Also, it was so nice to stay inside of the building because it was cold for California residence, low 50's.
Once we got stuffed from the delicious lunch meal, we were valiant to go out in the cold with the winds. The first thing the boys PLEADED to go out for a snow fight, but we wouldn't let them until they finished taking pictures with Santa Claus and reindeer. Who would want to see their teeth chattering if their clothes were damped from the snow fight?
Oh boy, I had to deal with their pouting. But they turned their frown upside down until they got
As the boys got closer to see Santa Claus, Dylan inquired Mrs. Santa what were the names of two reindeer: Dancer and Prancer. Who ever thought a child would tell Mrs. Santa Claus that we forgot to serve them the carrots? Without having carrots, they went up to tell Santa Claus what they wanted before taking their pictures.
My disappointment was the picture did NOT turn out great. Why should I grumbled over this since we were one of the 500 attendance got FREE picture?
After they finished the snow fight, they kept saying, "I'M SO COLD!" They did get their clothes wet, but lucky I did bring extra clothes in the van before we left for our last minute Christmas shopping for the day.
Another fabulous outing! Man, Eastlake has all kinds of cool stuff to do.
I like the picture with the boys. Dylan is actually smiling in that one. It looks like Ryan might be the difficult one to get a picture of this next year.
So they liked the snow, heh! Here are a few snow jokes that Dylan might like:
Where do snowmen go to dance?
How do snowmen travel around ?
By iceicle !
How do you know when there is a snowman in your bed ?
You wake up wet !
What do you get if cross a snowman and a shark ?
Frost bite !
How do you call an Eskimo cow ?
An Eskimoo !
Love Mama CC
I was going to ask you "Where do you find reindeer ?" But I figured you you just tel me, "It depends on where you leave them !"
Do you know what reindeer say before telling you a joke ?
This one will sleigh you !
Okay so I am in a silly mood today. I'm glad the kids got to see a real riendeer. Otherwise they might think them just a fairytale.
Love Mama CC
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