Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Every year on Christmas morning, we opened our Christmas stockings from Santa Claus. My parents in law, Cathy and Richard, including their affectionate dog, Zack joined the special tradition event with us.

Before they came to our home, the boys had the opportunity to open ALL of their gifts from us before their grandparents came to our cozy home for stockings. Dylan was delighted to open the gift, but not Ryan. Ryan would rather to play a Game Boy for a couple of few minutes before he decided to join his brother. The first thing Dylan decided to open was the BIGGEST gift he saw under the tree, the solar planets for his room.

After he opened all of his gifts, he couldn't make his mind of which gifts he liked the most from collecting more The Magic Trees series to gift cards to Borders. That included collecting SO MANY PEZs from the loving relatives and friends (Thanks! It will add to his bedroom's shelves.)

Finally, Ryan decided to open the gifts. Believe it or not, it astounded us that some of the gifts he opened was using the kids' scissors! I thought it was humorous because he got the genetic traits, not from me! He loved all of the gifts, especially getting his Christmas lists come true, the Hot Wheels! That was a good thing to change from his obsession toy; the trains to another toys, including learning to play variety of game activities that he got for Christmas!

Once they finished with their Christmas gifts from us, my parents in law finally showed up for stockings and eat the delicious breakfast that David, the chef, cooked for all of us. As a part of stocking tradition, we usually started with the younger ones to the oldest ones in the household.

As parents of Dylan and Ryan, David enjoyed getting many unique gifts from Santa Claus. That was even collecting more gift certificates. He was satisfied with the gifts he got and was relaxed for the wonderful picture. I was delighted to get all of my wish lists come true: the accessories for my Sidekicker pager to collecting more earrings. One of the nicest things Santa gave me was the lavender bath salt, so I could spend my spare time alone without having my two sons, who loved taking baths, join with me.

Cathy was the person after I completed my stocking. She loved EVERY single things from the stocking. The first thing she saw was the coolest RED reading glasses. It looked GREAT on her. She had yearned for more stuff from the stocking. I guess she was fortunately to get all of the pleasant gifts from Santa because she rarely was naughty throughout the year.

Richard was near the last person to get the gifts from Santa while Zack, the dog was so patience for his turn. Before he realized he also received his new reading glasses, he borrowed Cathy's new reading glass. But this time with his new reading glasses, I thought he was silly with his tag on his forehead. At the end, he got a Home Depot gift certificate. It astounded us, yet had hoped he finds something useful instead of damaging his home with his new tools. He will need your help by keeping your finger crossed that he will do awesome job for his home.

Zack, the dog, was so relieved to get all of his new toys. I guess he was getting tired of his old toys, except twp of the possible treasure toys: his white stuffed wool- heart and stuffed bear that he had left it at home. Who knows if his new toys would be useful from Santa?
After opening all of the gifts and stockings, we decided to take an automatic family photo. The problem was that the camera accidentally set up a video instead. In the video, we spoke both in English and gibberish. The essential part of the video was that we all were in good Christmas spirits.

At the end of our Christmas morning, our beautiful home became CHAOS! Yet, it was blessing to see the enthusiastic kids and adults all morning before we headed for another Christmas event in the afternoon.


Anonymous said...

How Cool. I didn't know you could post videos directly on the blog.

You will have to post a picture of Dylans Pez collection as well so we can keep adding new ones to it.

Love... Mom CC

Aimee said...

I love the's a classic!