Monday, December 24, 2007

Relaxing Morning

A day before Christmas Eve, I have decided to take a two day break after I consistently had been working with my students and taking care of two boys. While we were watching Disney's program, David decided to take a picture of us on our love seat.

Mother and Sons' Bonding Times

Dylan smiles for the picture

Ryan plays "Cars" on his Game Boy

But at the end of taking pictures of us, I decided to change my attitude by sticking my tongue to David--meaning, "That's enough! Please leave me alone, and let me enjoy my relaxing morning."


Anonymous said...

Go for it! Laura, you deserve a break like this!

We are enjoying the continuous snowing here in Minnesota and the Christmas spirit is fabulous! Now unwinding down after hearty meals for three days in a row!!!

Happy holidays!


Anonymous said...

I remember taking a lot of pictures of you with your tongue sticking out like that. It must be yur favorite "home sign". ILY Mama CC