Sunday, February 3, 2008

First Night of Our Mini Vacation

On early Friday morning, we headed for our mini get-away vacation . We all were excited to give our two active boys experience the snow for the first time.

After we finally passed the worst construction we have experience between 215 and 10 Freeway, seeing the snow from the distance released from the traffic tension. Both Dylan and Ryan became excited and counting the hours down until we arrived to the City of The Big Bear Lake.

While driving on the road to Big Bear, we could see FULL OF SNOW at 8,000 feet high. It was indeed a beautiful sightseeing on both side of the road. As we were approaching to our nice Northwoods Hotel, we were pleased that the Alpine Magic Mountain that designed for the family activities was only about three blocks away. Unfortunately,we had to wait until the next day.

The boys instead explored our hotel for a little while before going outside in the snow. Ryan was especially thrilled to see the REAL fireplace and explored our overview baloney in our hotel. Not only finding the new stuff around them, they especially were excited to touch the real snow instead of man made snow as soon as they got out of our van.

Of course, we allowed them to play at night snow. We felt that it was appropriate for them to experience at the low 30's degrees first time. During their night play, they played hide and seek, made snow angels, snow fights, and sitting on the top of the snow. While they were playing in the snow for a couple of minutes, Dylan decided to be SILLY by putting his head in the snow. I guess he wanted to experience what was like to have his head being COLD.
At the end of their night playtime, they had enough for being so cold so long. We headed for the cozy hotel. The only problem while we were sleeping in the hotel, Dylan kept me awake almost all night: telling me that he saw a ghost, thought we had fires, and thirsty. I was REALLY exhausted by the morning arrived.

Instead of sharing the same bed, our next visit would be bringing the two air mattresses for the boys to sleep on their own while we sleep on a guest bed in a cabin that we had eyes for it when we saw at Big Bear. Did you know that there were over 300 cabins in The Big Bear Lakes? I would highly recommend you all if you guys ever want to visit The Big Bear Lakes.

1 comment:

Deby said...

Snow is cool. Way cool. Super cool and way, WAY fun!!!