Thursday, March 19, 2009

Letter from Extended Student Service

Today, I received an apologizing work e-mail address from the Extended Student Service Assistance Leader regarding the Kickball activities that I had complained on my earlier post.

Hello Mrs. McClellan,
This is Mr. Casey. I wanted to apologize for the situation we're in with Dylan for kickball. I believe it was back when we were first telling the kids about kickball and getting them signed up that I had talked to you about Dylan's interest in being on the kickball team. At that time, you filled out the kickball permission slip but for whatever reason I did not get a copy of Dylan's insurance. I think I had given you the permission slip to take home and fill out and you then brought it in the following day. When I received the permission slip from you I filed it away in my kickball folder. It was my fault for not following through on the insurance. I should have gotten it from you at the time you turned in the permission slip, or in a more timely manner so that Dylan could have started the season with us on time.
I realize that my delay in getting Dylan's insurance from you has led to the unfortunate situation we now see ourselves in. The lack of practice time for Dylan, his possible unfamiliarity with the rules, and his seeming discomfort in being on the field all directly result from that. Again I am sorry for that.
My purpose in coaching kickball is to allow all the kids the opportunity to play, have fun, and experience the competition. With 17 kids being on the team and our only being allowed to play 10 at a time in the game, it becomes necessary to use some of the team members as substitutes. These subs come into a game in the top of the third inning in our four inning games. Thus, the playing time is equal between the sub and the player that he/she replaces. Each player plays two innings. Also, we must play four girls and one kinder in all games at all times. This makes it that much harder to let all of our first and second grade boys play the whole game.
Before our game on Tuesday Dylan had been laying on the mat in the auditorium back at school. Just before our departure for the game, I asked Dylan if he was certain that he did not want to play that day. He decided that would play after all. So, in seeing Dylan resting on the mat at Maryland I felt that it would be easier for him to just play half of the game on such a hot, tiring day.
My apologies again to both you and Dylan. I am very sorry for all this and I am sad to hear that Dylan no longer wants to play. If he would like, we would be glad to have him come back and play with us in our final game on Tuesday.
Thank you,

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