On an early morning, I decided to drop my two sons off to school while I have a day off from work in order to spend a quality of time with my mother and her husband. When I got back from dropping the boys off to school, I literally asked my mom and Bruce if they were interested walking down along the Salt Creek that runs through the hills behind my house. It was a perfect cool day to go outside for an hour exercise and to identify the Spring plants around the trails. Frankly, I thought it was awesome stroll through the best of California's back country.

Along the Salt Creek Trail, we could see the beautiful view of my backyard. I must say I was so proud to have a beautiful home area. There were tons of beautiful TREES, SPRING FLOWERS AND INSECTS EVERYWHERE. We even saw the most awesome humming birds hovering around the flowers. My mother took an excellent close-up picture of a humming bird. She even taught me that there are four different kinds of humming birds in Southern

California. Two of the kinds stayed in Southern California all year long while the two other kinds of humming birds migrated during the winter. It broaden my mind to think about many other kinds of small and big animals migrated, not just the geese itself.
I also learned many more flowers and trees while my mother and her husband, Bruce walked along with me. I must admit that I learned so much within an hour because my mother is a real

GREEN THUMB ! Bruce is a bird- watcher. He knows many types of birds. Not only knowing the types of birds, he also absorb all kinds of trees and plants. Learning everything from them was like taking a Free Science class.
It made me more appreciation of living in the area where I don't have any houses behind my backyard. Without a doubt, I will go out for a walk with my kids whether they like it or not. I'm a tough mom. I personally do enjoy the view both day and night. I once in a while like to sit outside at night to look up at the stars.
1 comment:
The morning we left, I felt soooo sad. I air smelled so sweet... just like when we took the walk. It broke my heart when I hugged you guys good bye. Mom/CC
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