Sunday, March 14, 2010


Each day, I have watched my two sons, Dylan and Ryan getting their freckles. Clearly, they got it from their dad because he has a fair skin. But Ryan has olive skin. He does have few freckles, so it means, he has mixtures of fair and olive skins. This link shows how kids get freckles.

But I always tease my kids that they got freckles from getting lots of kisses from me. They giggled a lot when I told them about the kissing stuff. But good news is that their freckles will fade it away when they get older. It happened to David when he got older.


Deby said...

I don't remember David ever having freckles. Besides, freckles are cute. Just like your boys.

Mandee said...

I LOVE freckles and have learned to embrace mine. Your boys are so cute, and wear their freckles well!