Friday, March 5, 2010

Sleeping Over

When we received a letter from the boys' school asking us if we were interested having our boys staying the "Reading Activities" night, I thought this was a win-win situation for both of us. The purpose of sleeping over were encouraging kids to read books, and purchase many new books for the library. I personally thought it was a splendid idea.

On the day of sleeping over the night, Ryan had been talking all day. "Mom, we are having sleep over tonight. We need to bring books, pillow, sleeping bag," said Ryan. He actually was looking forward to sharing all of the fun along with the other kids at school. Dylan wanted to stay home, but knowing he needs to learn to sleep at other's place such as Summer Camp.

By the time, we arrived, Dylan immediately wanted to sit down and read books. Ryan was so curious out there. While we were observing the place before left them for the night, we were surprised that the air mattresses were set up for their children.

Then, Dylan and Ryan gave their thumbs up to let know that it was time for us to leave. We eventually did for the night. I can't hardly hear all about this special event.


Deby said...

I love schools that take pity on parents and let them have a night out. Very cool school.

And the kids think they are getting an awesome and amazing treat so like you said - "win win".

C and B Scene said...

Oh My they are growing up so fast. Soon you'll be able to put them on a plane alone to come visit with me. Mom/cc