Friday, August 31, 2007

Middle Age

There are pros and cons about being Middle Age.

The Pros are:

1) Becoming Wiser in many aspect areas
2) Closer to Retirement Ages
3) Travel a lot more when the kids are older

The Cons are:

1) Getting more physically aches
2) Forgetting some important things if it applies to you-- that's if you don't take vitamins
3) Trying too hard to act like as if you are in 20's or 30's

That's what happen to me for an entire week-- trying so hard to act like I used to be-- playing with my young children and carrying all of the classroom paperwork assignments from one classroom to another..

By the end of the week, I finally have to stop denying myself that I am actually in Middle-Age.. by having a bad backache. So, I am resting for this evening to share with you about our updated news.

After I get a full rest of the first day of my three day off, I am making a wish to get it back to normal.

1) Catching all the post news up
2) Catching all of the errands in and outside of the house
3) Even better buying vitamins that I need to be "fit as a fiddle."

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That's exactly how I feel today

1 comment:

Deby said...

Yup, there are some not so great aspects to getting older. But, at least everything still works. Even if parts may need to be lubed up occasionally to work without squeaking or cracking. : ) Like my knees.