Wednesday, October 24, 2007


As many of you have heard that there were terrible fires brushing all over San Diego, the fires seemed to die down in our home area. However, it was encouraged Chula Vista residents to wear a face mask without getting any ash dust through our lungs.

While we were putting our masks on before we left for a nearby grocery store for a little bit instead of being cabin fever, it was not comfortable to wear masks. Who would? But Dylan thought it was SO COOL to wear the mask, except Ryan. I second for Ryan. Good grief, it is only temporary.


Heather said...

So glad that you guys are back at home and enjoying time together as a family! Our schools were cancelled today & tomorrow, so we've been having some fun together too! I hope you are able to sleep with those masks on!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Hang in there with these masks for a bit but yet, they are fashionable, given this current situation with the firestorms!