Halloween finally arrived! School is an interesting place. It’s full of friends, positive activities to do, free activities, nice people and most importantly, free memories. This was the first time in years my work/school site finally was able to dress up for Halloween. It was due to that the new principal wanted teachers to vote whether we proceed dressing up for Halloween. Clearly, more teachers voted for dressing up for Halloween than one of the few teachers who opposed to the ideas.
For those who opposed to the ideas, some of teachers decided to take a day off from work. I was not one of them. Throughout the day, I took one of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing classes to combine with my students. It was awful a lot of work dealing with variety of activities yet I had four helpers to help me out.

The principal who dressed up as a
GREEN witch started out the parade from Kindergarten class. Then from class to class followed the parade at

the end of the line. It was actually fun to look at the kids' cute costumes. When the Kindergarten classes finished the parade, they sit down and watched the rest of us marching down from class to other classes.
Once the parade ended, each class began their own activities. I started out with three activities in the morning: apple bobbing, making Halloween/name necklaces and making slimes out of Borax. Most of the students enjoyed doing the apple bobbing and making slimes. Of

course, I had to ask most of my students to take their hearing aids and glasses off before doing the bobbing.

As the morning swifted by, a few minutes before the recess began, the students changed their clothes. We created a last minute activity for letting them drawing a picture out of chalk on the

black butcher paper before going out for a recess. Shortly after they all went out to recess, it gave me some morning time out. For teachers, we had our Halloween snacks: fruits and bagels. This was a good way to release a twenty minutes from stresses taking care from three to ten years old students.
Twenty minutes later, I was back with dealing the high energy kids. This time, we all went outside to have students eating the

donuts without using their hands. I started off counting 1, 2 and 3. They dashed off to eat the white donuts. It was fun watching them having "white mustaches." As soon as they finished their donuts, I was a mean teacher by ordering them to clean the classroom up before they went out for a lunch.
After they all came back from lunch, it was relatively easy afternoon. Most of the two remaining hours, they were watching Halloween "G" movies. It gave me more space to finish my afternoon reports.

Don't forget that I only had to deal with the wild students, I also had to deal with my two active sons. Dylan and Ryan wanted participating the

Trick or Treats, even meeting the scary creatures: Big Foot. At my age, I honestly held my tiring until we got home from the treats. Without a doubt, we all slept well.
I am so glad that you guys were able to dress up at school. I thought it was so stupid when Katya wasn't allowed to dress up. I mean, seriously.
You came up with some really fun activities for your class. Someday I will have to get the slime recipe from you.
I'm so glad you guys had so much fun!
So what did you end up dressing up as? Wait...is that you inside that Big Foot costume?!
Hahahah.... I would TOOOO HOT to be in Big Foot Costume. Plus, I'm too short to be in a tall Big Foot.
Actually, I was a Red Riding Hood.. and had a wolf in my woven basket.
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