Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Every single morning, all classes at Maryland Avenue attend Peace Circle. We do the Pledge the Flag, and sing a song, "Peace Maker." In addition, the principal makes praises for the students who were recognized by teachers or recess/lunch duties.

But this morning was an exceptional because for the past two weeks, the second graders and above were taking Standard Assessment Test. Dylan was chosen to cheer a song. I was fortunately that I caught him singing.

“We All Know what we’ve been told
Maryland Avenue’s good as gold
When it comes to the STAR test
Maryland Avenue is the Best!
Sound off
Sound off
1-2-3-4 Sound off!

After he sang a song in a front of the entire school, many staff told me that Dylan sang BEAUTIFULLY! Oh I wish, I could hear him singing. Despite of my deafness, I must say I'm really gratified of him.


C and B Scene said...

What happens to the boys classes next year? Did the school's cutbacks impact their programs as well as the hearing impaired? Its a shame that you guys won't be on the same campus any longer. Mom/CC

Laura and the family said...

We will receive a letter from Chula Vista School District-about the boys' classes this Fall on the last week of May. They know our first choice is Salt Creek Elementary, nearby by home. If not, then they will go another nearby home school.

Still, they will be same school because Ryan is in Recourse Special Program. That helps a lot.

I'm not sure what do you mean about cutback impact their program (meaning where I am currently working or my home school district.)