Sunday, May 24, 2009

Open House

This time, both my husband and I attended Open House at both of my sons' school on the same day. It is a lot easier than I had last two years: three Open House. (Last year, I did not have a classroom, but still I had to attend an Open House. Mostly, I sat in a small office and played with my computer. What a waste!) This year, I felt that it was not a waste because I had an opportunity to show my students' family (only during the transition meeting on the same week of Open House.)

By the time of an Open House, I convinced my husband to come an hour early before the cars swarmed out in the crazy parking lots. We instead ate our dinner at the school site. It was a Western BBQ meal. I thought it was a perfect way to have a dinner at this time of the season. While we were waiting for the art shows and book fair to be opened, the kids were running around the inner campus. I thought it was somewhat GREAT because the energies would burn the kids out for the night.

When we got in the cafeteria, both of my sons had a chance to show their art display off. Dylan and his class discussed about the desert life. He had learned all about the desert's rock color, animals and plants. Honesty, I thought he drew an amazing picture for a second grader. It matched to the place when I last visited two decades ago- red paint in Arizona. Ryan's class learned abut the Rain forest. I also taught my first grader about the Rain forest because I am on the same team with the first grader. Ryan was so proud to show his Tiger off to us-- just take a look at this thumb!

The first thing after we finished visiting the art display, we followed to Dylan's class along with an interpreter. In his class, the teacher set up the sliding shows for the parents. I wish I have the skills, but eventually I will without a doubt for my next Open House. While we were there, we did have a chance to read the poems that he had learned during his second grade class: " I am Dylan" and "Spring." Reading "I am Dylan" is hilarious.

The next visit was attending Ryan's class. I thought this would be a good opportunity for Ryan to be proud of his work. (That time he was cranky and tired.) We ended up looking for his work displays on our own. Writing a journal is not an easy task for him, but he did get a perfect score after struggling his writing for two trimesters. This time, he wrote four sentences on his own! Another example we saw the Reading target. His reading level displays that he is at 2.5 grade reading level. Knowing that it was from the second trimester. The third trimester is nearly ends and will know his final reading level at the end of his first grade.

Seeing all of my son's work samples clearly indicated that they had learned so much over a year. David and I are really proud of their hard work. Let's hope it continues throughout their school years.

1 comment:

C and B Scene said...

we are all proud of them as indeed we should be. Both boys are "rtistic and adventurous". I love the art work.