Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Over the Labor's weekend, we purchased books for the boys to read. Dylan had pleaded us to buy him two books which we never thought from the Cine-Manga Disney Book.

This is the first book, he read 72 pages quietly within one day. In the book, it has pictures and bubbles (conversation) throughout the book. The next day, he started reading on his second book, Hannah Montana. He is a half way through.

With these two books, it clearly tells me that he idolizes older kids, singing and dancing. Like he told others that he will become the next superstar since he practices dancing a lot of times. Who knows if it will come true? In fact, he likes to be the center-attention.

Ryan is the totally opposite of his brother. Though he loves to dance from Garfield's DVD, yet he would rather to read more about Science Vocabulary Readers books from Scholastic Company. These Science books are great because it involves tons of eye-popping photos with fantastic facts and captions. Ryan was not a quiet ones. He frequently would ask me Wh's questions. He just recently learned more about Lightening and Tornadoes ! Clearly, he would rather to focus on everything is around him.


Deby said...

I loved hanging out at Borders every other Friday for those six years we were in Poway. It became our little ritual and as she got older she would get her iced chai and just take off to her favorite aisles. Too bad my little ones are too little to hang at our one, much too small bookstore for very long.

Laura and the family said...


Time will go by fast. When both of my boys were young, David and I had to deal with them in Children's Dept. Now, David and I take turns to go out on our own aisle for at least ten minutes. You and Bob can do that when your kids are old enough to stay.