Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mismatched Outfit

A night before Dylan's returning to school on Friday, he pleaded me to allow him wearing mismatched outfit for his school spirit. I normally don't like seeing my own kids wearing any mismatched outfit, but since it was for the school spirit; I accepted.

Boy, he was delighted when I let him wearing mismatched outfit. He let his beyond wildest thoughts. He had all of his clothes set up a night before Friday came.

On Friday at 5:30 A.M, he woke up bright and early to wear his mismatching outfit from head to toe. He even asked me to have his hair mohawk up, and the other part of his hair flat ! Don't forget to take a close look of wearing his mismatched shoes!
But the sad part when I came to pick him up from school, I asked him if anyone mentioned about his crazy mismatched outfit for school. No one had mentioned it to him about dressing it up for the school spirit day! It broke my heart when he tried his best to share his school spirit.


Deby said...

Oh, Bummer on nobody commenting on his outfit. I know how he feels. Katya is totally bummed out if nobody notices that she took such great care picking out the "perfect" outfit for the day.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that Dylan has such great school spirit. Maybe the other kids didn't realize it was spirit day and then they were sad when they figured out they were missing something special.

Mandee said...

I love his mismatched outfit! Go Dylan!!