Before the meeting was proceed, the principal knew I was coming from Chula Vista had asked me if I am happy about putting my son, Ryan in a special education placement at my school district site. I indeed am because I have seen him lots of progresses within 30 days of school.
1) Special Education teacher indicated Ryan's classroom work: able to cut around the pictures and write his own name without assistance. Last spring, he did very little in cutting and writing his own name. Now, he is on his own ! Second thing she mentioned that Ryan is a very social and affectionate person. However, he needs to set up a boundary not to give "too much" hugs. ( I know I tend to give him tons of love.) Thus, she asked me to give her a "trick." I suggested her to find something that Ryan likes to do at school. The less he gives too much affectionate, he gets a reward and play with a thing he likes to do (for extra minute or two.) She also stated that he needs to pay close attention. He does need to continue to work on this part. Nonetheless, I did bring this subject up that he had made remarkable improvement: from walking out of a circle/desk to sit in a circle/desk. He even listened a lot better than before.
She even said that Ryan shows empathies. For example, when she declared to have him to do something wrong, he automatically would say, "I'm sorry. I won't do that." He even do both verbally and signing in class in a complete sentence such as "I need your help." It is so good to see that he is using pronouns.
2) General Education teacher also teaches Kindergarten. She stated that she teaches music/songs. Ryan did show up with good attitudes. Currently, he is listening to the songs-- same as for other typical kids getting to know the songs. Eventually, the kids will participate by singing the songs. The teacher knows that I would like to have him to involve by knowing the Kindergarten songs. Both special education and general education teacher know that he would need an extra help since I cannot help him on that part at home.
3) Speech Therapist mentioned that Ryan is making a progress. She is currently working on him with the categories: Food, Clothes, Animals, and Body Parts. He was able to sort the clothes, animals, but not yet for the food. He just could identify the food easily but putting in the category. She also states that he mostly speaks with 4-5 words in a sentence. Hopefully, he will speak longer words in a sentence. She states that he does have very good cognitive skills ( I later learned that it is very common for Autistic kids with good cognitive skills.) He would not rebel on anything when it comes to speech lesson.
4) Goals: Ryan's special education teacher told me that if Ryan's "attention" improves within one year. He would be qualified to attend a mainstream class with aide. Right now, the general education teacher with 19 students does not have an aide. It would not be worth for Ryan to attend a mainstream class at this time, otherwise, he would be completely lost. Let's hope his attention improves because I would very much like to see him participating in a Least Restrictive Environment.
So in the meantime, he is currently in a special education classroom until his "attention" improves. Then, the meeting was ajourned within 30 minutes after it started.
Wow - more good news on Ryan's progress! That is awesome to hear!!
Give Ryan a kiss and a hug from me and tell him "good job".
Let him be "huggy. Little boys are only affectionate like this for a little while when they are young. Soon the other boys tase them into being more macho. He will outgrow this all too soon, then you will wish he hadn't grown up so fast.
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