Monday, November 5, 2007

Our Newest Singers

During our dinner time, Ryan sang a song out of blue. I wish I knew the longest song he had sang for us without a video. But knowing that both of them had learned basic songs at school.

But this time, I had to bribe them by offering one small candy if they were willing to do in a front of a video. It worked! Be sure to turn the volume up and listen to their cute voices.

Ryan sings, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars"

After Ryan finished singing a song, Dylan eagerly wanted to be in a ham in a front of a video. Who knows he will be a prominent young man?

Dylan sings, "Row, Row Your Boat"

Admittedly, they sang a song far much better than me. I never or ever memorize a single song ! I'm not joking.


Anonymous said...

How cute. Both are really good at carrying the tune, but how many times are we going to be listening to these tunes over Thanksgiving:)

You did too learn a song, Laura. When you were in first grade I taught you to chant the words to "Jingle Bells" because I knew you would be going to your hearing classmates school Christmas parties. Your special ed teacher told me that when all the hearing kids started singing Jingle Bells you joined right in and knew all the words. She was shocked... and by the way, she was convinved your hearing tests must be wrong. You couldn't be deaf and know how to sing a Christmas song.
Laura's Mom

Deby said...


Give them both huge hugs and kisses from me.

Laura and the family said...

Oh my goodness, I never knew the part when I was in first grade. All I remember two things (just now), I put the jackets in the piano because I had hoped the musician teacher would think the keyboard was a problem. And, I remember using the bells when I was in 3rd grade (but not singing a song.)

Deby said...

Tag you're it

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