Tuesday, September 30, 2008
GO Chargers !
While rooting out for our team, we had a festive BBQ prime ribs and other delicious side dishes. It was given a grant for my mother in law's early birthday lunch. She sure was very lucky that I have a husband who is excel in cooking BBQ. The boys enjoyed eating their BBQ prime ribs. It was also fun watching the MEN including my sons having BBQ all over their mouth, except for us who kept our faces well clean. What's up with the men having BBQ all over their faces??? I think that is the way of showing their macho. What do you think of the reason behind this?
We could have eaten in our beautiful backyard view but the weather was scorching hot for us to sit outside. That bummed us, especially my mother in law, Cathy who loves our backyard. I could not blame her because I enjoy seeing the mountains and trees growing high like as if we are living in a suburban. Perhaps when the weather gets cooler (even it is Fall and still has NOT cool our weather down yet,) we will be able to get together again.
But we instead ate inside in our dining table while the two adult men (my husband and Richard, my father in law) were hollering for the team. The first half of our football team played poorly (0-12.) Even my mother in law had to calm her husband, Richard down from getting so frustrated, Zack, the dog even barked at our guinea pig, Fluffy to let him know what was happening about the Football game. Fluffy simply just ignored these frustrated men.
However, this all had changed when it came to the fourth quarter. That included my mother in law and I, though we admittedly did not have Charger T-shirt) supported our husbands' hopes. Guess that our luck had brought to the happy ending ! Chargers amazingly won the game: 28-18! Bringing all of the smiling and happy husbands relieved us. Let's hope it continues to this way throughout the Football session. Otherwise, I would not want to deal with my husband and the boys. I suffer enough. Perhaps on a football game, I should go out and have fun shopping alone or with someone who enjoys shopping.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Ryan had an advantage to see a real close up spider both dead and alive. Thus, he was able to draw pretty good picture for a first grader. I was surprised to read his message because in the past he always thought the spiders were awful.
In fact, he had always been afraid of spiders and even spider lings in the past. But not when we all saw him taking a real close up look at the spider in a plastic bag. It is a small step for willing to overcome the fear.
Ironically when he showed a picture to his grandmother, he told her that he was afraid of a spider. Maybe he still is. He instead wanted to cover his fears in a front of his classmates. I consider it is pretty good to cover his real feelings: the fear of spiders.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Following the Directions for Autistic Kids
Starting out with one simple directions such as "Sit down," "Give to Mommy/Daddy,” “Put on,” “Clean up,” “Give Mommy/Daddy a kiss” are the best way to start off as soon as you discovered a child is autism. Well three years ago, I discovered my younger son, who was diagnosed as Pervasive Developmental Disorder known as PPD-NOS. It took me a few days to shake my grievous emotions after I learned this tragic news. While taking it so hard for years, I still put my feelings asides and worked with Ryan on everything from simple vocabulary words including speech to following the directions.
Following the directions is one of my lists because I know it is extremely difficult for most autistic kids. Also, I know it is extremely important for the kids to be involved in education at home, not just leaving it to the teachers and speech therapist responsibilities. We all have to remember that most children goes to school only for six hours while they spend eighteen hours at home. Thus if I am also a part of a team as a parent besides of being as a teacher, my son will do FAR MUCH BETTER and meet most IEP benchmarks than letting the staff work with them alone. That definitely makes differences! Working on following the directions is one of my destinations because I know many classes and activities are involved more than one direction at a time.
Like I said I found it out that Ryan has autism when he was three, I started out with one simple direction. It took me a while to get him more than one direction. Just last year, he started out with two directions. As of right now, he is able to do two and three directions.
Just most recently, the speech therapist at his school site told me that he is learning to use, "First, Next, Then and Last" along with three other girls who also attended speech therapy. His speech therapist happens to know signs. Ryan was stunned and watched him signing, "First, Next, Then and Last" while listening him talking with him and the girls at the sessions. Right after this, he immediately understood the meanings of these transition words. He did well on following the directions during the speech sessions.
After the speech session, his speech therapist told me what happened. I started giving him more than two directions. For instance from last Sunday, I have asked him to do a favor for me, " Ryan, will you 'please go out' and 'take this empty plastic box in the blue trash can' and 'the white bag in a black trash can?" He obeyed my requests. After he finished dropping the items in the trash cans, I just went outside and checked it out if he did follow my three directions. Yippie, he sure did!
Just this evening at the "breakfast" dinner table, he gave me the directions on how to put the stuff on his toasted bread. Ryan said to me, "First, you need to put the butter on it. Next, you need to put honey on a butter. Then,you put the cinnamon sugar on the top of the bread." It was NOT my idea to put the cinnamon on the top of the honey with butter on it. He loved it.
But I must admit I am proud of him that he is gradually doing the two and three directions at a time despite of what people had said negatively things about him. All I can say to myself, "One at a time will do."
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Flat Stantley
In case you don't know who is Flat Stanley. Stanley is a nice average boy who leads an ordinary life. One day a bulletin board falls on him, and suddenly Stanley is flat. This turns out to be very interesting. Stanley gets rolled up, mailed and flown like a kite. He even gets to a stop a crime! He's flat, but he's a hero!
On his first weekend, David decided to take the boys out to ride on their mile bike to the nearby park. That includes Stanley on Dylan's bike. While David, Ryan, Dylan and his friend were on their way to the park, I could see them riding from the backyard. Clearly, Dylan was whining on the way (A BIG TIME.) Mostly, he either was riding or walking with his bike. David had to be tough with Dylan, except Ryan was being a good sportsmanship on the way.
At the park, I surprised them with our picnic lunch. Flat Stanley was involved in our luncheon. Dylan and Ryan were thrilled to have a lunch under the shading roof at the park before playing at Cheryl's Place, the name of a park. Again, Dylan was whining about the choice of eating for a lunch. I finally got fed up and told Dylan that if I ever hear him whining again, he will not have a computer or a T.V for an entire week! Believe it or not, Dylan mentioned that Flat Stanley is whining about being allergy to the tape! Groan! Thus, I kicked the boys out to the playground. They played for a little while. Dylan had to show his new friend out the playground. And even allowed his friend going on a swing with Dylan's help.
Besides taking Flat Stanley to places, Dylan had to send out another Flat Stanley to a friend or relative. He chose my mom who lives in South Carolina. He hopefully will have an adventure with Stanley, taking a picture of him during that adventure, write a brief letter about what Stanley did and send the letter, the pictures and Stanley back to the return address at his school site.
This will be exciting to see what responses the class get and what adventures Flat Stanley will be going on around the country and even the world! That part of the project excited me because I learned that the idea started back in 1980's. If you do know someone who has a child who is at a third grade reading, I personally advice him or her to read Flat Stanley.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday Treats
Frankly, this is far cry better than when David brought the treats for this evening. He brought caramel candy apples. He knew how to flatter us, even me! Having caramels and nuts together weak my will-power. Oh, I felt so guilty for having at least one.
While Ryan was watching one of the newest DVD movie, "Speed Racer," he hopped out of a couch and said, " I wanted a candy apple!" I could see that his taste is similar to me. Dylan over heard from upstairs that Ryan and his dad were having Candy Apple. Dylan declined to have one. He instead had "Sugarfree Cherry Ice Cream." Actually, he was upset and suspected his dad ate all of his favorite "Orange" ice cream. But he took well by willing to have a Cherry Sugarfree Ice Cream instead.
Now, we all can sleep peacefully after had a long and nice day. May your weekend brings you the happiness. It is same as for us.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Then when I saw Ryan walked toward to his water gun, I immediately thought he just would be watering the pea size grass less. He did it only for a short moment. His mischievously smiling was showing more and more when he got closer to David. " Uh Oh, I could see the trouble was about to start. " Sure enough, I was grateful for a very short moment that Ryan decided to shoot the water at his dad instead of me. It stunned David.
Soon, Dylan joined the club with another water gun. David was trapped by not being able to get anywhere out of between the patio table and BBQ. Both boys seemed to enjoy seeing their dad getting his T-shirt wet. David fortunately was able to escape and ran toward the watering hose. From there, he turned the water hose on and watered at the boys. They surely got their entire clothes wet.
Yet, it didn't stop them. They realized that I was one of the missing people who was not wet at all. Yup, you got that right-- they shot at me. Getting a little bit wet on my T-shirt was not as bad as the three trouble maker men. David decided to do something more-- he hosed the water at me!! How am I supposed to live with these three trouble maker men?
Despite of living with these trouble maker men, I must admit that I really had a memorable evening with my family. Shooting water at each other was even better than eating our hearty meal.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Cub Scouts
At first, it excited David because he used to be in Cub/Boy Scouts when he was a young boy. He wanted to share the same experiences with the boys. There were many young boys from age six to ten years old wearing the Uniform. Only few of the newcomers did not have a uniform. Our boys were one of them. We only wanted to see if they like to participate the club.
The volunteer leader was supposed to start giving the presentation out at 7 P.M. He instead started a forty-five minutes later. The presentation last for forty five minutes. It turned out that Dylan and Ryan were NOT the only boys were restless. In my personal opinion, I felt that the volunteer leader should take several breaks by doing activities and breaks since young kids have short span attention. What is your opinion ?
- Character Development- it depends on the leader's discipline to the scout.
- Spiritual Growth- I image they would.
- Good Citizenship- kids were bullies and rowdy.
- Sportsmanship and Fitness- I could see lots of physical activties
- Family Understanding-- found it odd that it does not fit due to long presentation
- Respectful Relationships-saw one of the boys shoved Ryan out of the seat.
- Personal Achievement- it depends on the patience.
- Friendly Service- I would say, "Yes, because they accepted Ryan as a mild disability."
- Fun and Adventure- the basic games did provide after the LONG presentation.
- Preparation for Boy Scouts- for this evening, I didn't think it was excellent preparation.
Both Dylan and Ryan tried their best sportsmanship by participating the activities and being nice to others. Bummer, both did not get the balls in their holes. But at least, they tried. After attempting their first activities, they went to try out setting up the mini tent. Dylan was very anxious to beat the time. That was hard for a left hand person! However, Ryan took his time and had the BEST time of all ! We laughed because it was wise not to feel the pressure.
Next Friday, we will go out for another Cub Scouts nearby our home. Let's hope the different leader is more preparation than we visited last Friday.
Back To School Night
Wrong! I was at least surprised to see one of my students' parents showing up in my classroom. That definitely tell me it is a good idea that they care for their child. Everything was arranged to have me a sign language interpreter with Spanish-English speaking parents in case any parent show up. It did not happen because we had unexpected more deaf parents of hearing children showing up at the Back To School Night. I was stuck without an interpreter. But fortunately both father and a hearing sibling were able to exchange communicating each other. What a relief! Otherwise, it would not look good for our deaf and hard of hearing program.
Know what the first thing they had asked me??!! The question was, "Aren't you going to be a teacher all year around?" It stunned me yet I understood their feelings quite well. In fact, they had three different long-term sub teachers in one year! They were relieved to hear my actual response.
While they were in my classroom, I had their child to show their update new signs after we had worked together in a classroom for three weeks. This 3 years old child had extra disability, was able to show few signs in a front of her parents: numbers, coloring and few other animal signs. I have encouraged the parents to take the child out to the zoo after I finished making animal signs book for the child and the parents to communicate at the same time. They loved my idea. It was a good feeling that we did have a good vibes.
After the parents finished chatting with me, I went to Dylan's 2nd/3rd grade class. I wanted to know what was her long term plan because everything was new to her for teaching a combo class. The exciting part was that she plans on having the students, including Dylan doing the Ecosystem Science Project. Oh what a fun for me to help him creating the project ! Another thing exciting was that he will be learning about voting. What a perfect timing for him and other students to learn all about voting!
During his math time, he does go out to 2nd grade math because it involves the Cognitively Guided Instruction (Problem solving). However, he already did some of the third grade math assignments just for fun. The teacher stated ,"No other second or third grade can do this, but he is very scholar in math." I giggled and said, "He got the trait from his dad." I personally think he will do well in both Science and Math.
Sadly, I was unable to attend Ryan's Back To School Night class. The time was limited. But Dylan had her last year, so I know Ryan's current teacher long term plan. She and I worked together for a 1st grade level on every Tuesdays, so I have general ideas on what she plans on teaching the kids this year.
Let's hope I will be able to succeed my students' long term plan. It also applies for both Dylan and Ryan.
Monday, September 8, 2008
The only thing I need to catch up all of the pictures I have lost on my right side of a blog. Not only losing the pictures I had on the side of my blog a couple of days ago, I need to add all of my favorite links and family/friends' links. Good grief, I had my family and friend's links on my favorite bookmarks. It will make my time shorter to add on my blog lists.
Now, you don't have to worry my insanity. My sanity has been settled after all of my three men were kicked off to bed early. I had a time to play around and focus on what I really like the templates for my blog. Guess I am getting better at doing the blog... Who knows I will become expert on creating the website than my husband, who is scholar in computer? (Shhh!, we would not want to hurt his feelings.)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
You will have to excuse my temporarily idiots about creating the template. Eventually, I will get to the point where I am totally satisfied! Please be patience for insanity or have fun exploring numerous of times I am changing my blog's background.
Animal Magician
Before the show began, many of the kids were all over the place where the parents and I were able to see our kids. Pizza, salads and a bottle of water were offered for a dinner. Knowing it was a junk food, but would you be able to argue that it was only $ 3 dollars per dinner. I was stuffed from eating salad and could not eat the entire once slice pizza. In fact, I gave the left over pizza to my husband, who was definitely FAMISHED!
While we were waiting for the exciting show began, Dylan went out to try out for a temporary tattoo. He decided to go out for "Mario" from the DS Ninento Games. One of the classmates, Justin tried out for a FROG. Getting a temporary tattoo was FREE! Dylan and his friends were exchanging on what they had got on their arms. Actually, they were fortunately to get this done before there was a VERY LONG LINE!
Ryan did not want to get one of the temporary tattoo. I guess he is a "clean cut" and not to get anything on his body, except he is flirting a new girl from his class. In fact, he introduced me to her. After he introduced to her, I caught him holding Emily's hand. OH NO, aren't we getting into trouble??? Don't tell me that I have two boys who are starting to liking girls at this early age!
Finally, the Magician show began. It last for forty five minutes. While he was demonstrating the shows, he brought us so many laughter, amazing exotic animals facts and giving us how he did get the "Rain Forest" animals coming out of from nowhere. Dylan was one of the volunteers. He had the opportunity to rub the Chinchilla's nose. It tickled him and other kids. (Sorry, I don't have any picture of him because my battery from the camera was completely dead.) He even demonstrated from nothing inside of the brown sack to alive snake! I held my breath while he was showing the snake. Good grief, it was not close to me, or I would NOT be kind to the Magician.
From my point of view as a teacher and a mother, I thought it was an awesome educational show. Little I knew that he has traveled all over the Southern California: 400 shows per year! He even does come out to a birthday party. That is not for children. He does know how to entertain adults as well. This show definitely will bring you a lifetime memory.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Sizzlin' Dinner
Looking at these two websites gave me two fine ideas for the next special events: Creative Parties and Invitations.
Since we did NOT inviting our friends or family, we ended up eating our own patio during the sizzling summer dinner. Though it was a very poor and last minute creative, we managed eating our late dinner (7:30 P.M.) at 85 degrees. It was still warm enough (80 degrees) to have an ice cream at 8:30 P.M.
Without a doubt, I will share my own creativity with my friends and families for the next time. Being creatives are MY THING!!! I must live with my creatives, or you will have to suffer my lousy dinner due to my inability to open my true personality.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Combo Classes
We will not be able to know whether it has been approved by our Superintendent on Friday. He currently has been investigating whether it would to the students good or harm. Apparently, it will give many advantages for the students and teachers as well. It has nothing to do with me, even I teach one of the first grade students.
While we do not know the finalize answer, Dylan's 2nd grade teacher approached to me during my lunch hour. She has asked me how would I feel about placing my son, Dylan in a high second grade and low third grade class. Her comment was, "Dylan is the highest in my class, so I am hoping you would agree with me to place him in 2nd and 3rd grade instead 1st and 2nd grade class. " Personally, I thought it is far much better than skipping the grade. This will give him the preparation to know what to expect in a third grade class. Also, I don't want to cause any of his emotions if he just skips the grade without combing with the second graders. I would know how he feels if he skips the grades (it won't happen to him) because I remember myself being emotions when I skipped from Pre-school to first grade.
As for Ryan, the Reading Specialist already assessed him. She mentioned to me in a front of an interpreter, " I have not finished testing Ryan. However, he has completed two stories on his own. He does show that he has a very high skills in reading. He is at Stage 2 (meaning he is at a second grade reading level for a first grade boy.) It shows that he is a very smart boy." I then questioned her about his reading comprehension because most autistic kids do have a very poor reading comprehension. She stated that, "Since he is reading very well, his reading comprehension is at the grade level. He was able to answer mostly Wh's Questions." I was pleased to hear this because I sure have WORKED VERY HARD on his reading comprehension from last year's I.E.P. The only thing I don't know whether he will remain in a combo class for high first grade with low 2nd grade class, or just in low first grade class.
I will know the actual answer when the principal makes tons of phone calls to the parents about whether they approve their child's placement. Since I am working on the same school site, I will be getting a straight forward answer from my boss, the principal by tomorrow, September 5th. All I can do is to wait and find out what's going happen next week.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Priceless Mini Vacation
Spending times with other kids and adults, chatting each other throughout the day and night, sleeping at a cozy home are certainly priceless. Even many of us in today's society are in tight budget, we did find our ways to reduce spending the money besides paying only $80 dollars gas for a round trip. Not a bad price.
Just savoring our anxiety over the money, we went to the Sea Breeze Harbor park where it has tons of sailboats, breezing and park. That was priceless. The boys enjoyed riding their bikes and playing at the playground. David and Ward enjoyed chatting over the nearby Harbor while Ginny and I were busy taking "priceless, cherish" pictures of them and the boys.
Not only going to the Harbor, we enjoyed watching the boys using their wildest imaginations. They pretended using BBQ (from the icebox) and used Legos as Hot dogs for dinner in their tiny table. Who ever thought about using alternative things to use the pretend food items? Watching them playing patient and client were the fun things to do. Ryan especially liked pretending being a patient. As for adults, it was so relaxing for all of chatting over inside and outside of the house.
Even though we managed to stay on our budget, we were very fortunately to be invited to attend one of Davon's classmate birthday party. At the party, we attended "Pump It Up" where it had eight huge inflation jumpers. The children and adults giggled over two hours of a party. Of course, adults went in and jumped along with the children. David and Ward played boxers with the young children. Believe it or not, the children worn them out by knocking themselves out.