Saturday, September 20, 2008

Flat Stantley

This past weekend, Dylan brought his new friend home to spend time with during the weekend. His name is Flat Stanley. His job for the next two weekends is to take Flat Stanley with him for an "adventure" and get a picture of him. That also includes on the jungle gym or swing or sitting in the shopping cart. After the two weekends pass by, they will write a short letter to his teacher about what they did with Stanley.

In case you don't know who is Flat Stanley. Stanley is a nice average boy who leads an ordinary life. One day a bulletin board falls on him, and suddenly Stanley is flat. This turns out to be very interesting. Stanley gets rolled up, mailed and flown like a kite. He even gets to a stop a crime! He's flat, but he's a hero!

On his first weekend, David decided to take the boys out to ride on their mile bike to the nearby park. That includes Stanley on Dylan's bike. While David, Ryan, Dylan and his friend were on their way to the park, I could see them riding from the backyard. Clearly, Dylan was whining on the way (A BIG TIME.) Mostly, he either was riding or walking with his bike. David had to be tough with Dylan, except Ryan was being a good sportsmanship on the way.

At the park, I surprised them with our picnic lunch. Flat Stanley was involved in our luncheon. Dylan and Ryan were thrilled to have a lunch under the shading roof at the park before playing at Cheryl's Place, the name of a park. Again, Dylan was whining about the choice of eating for a lunch. I finally got fed up and told Dylan that if I ever hear him whining again, he will not have a computer or a T.V for an entire week! Believe it or not, Dylan mentioned that Flat Stanley is whining about being allergy to the tape! Groan! Thus, I kicked the boys out to the playground. They played for a little while. Dylan had to show his new friend out the playground. And even allowed his friend going on a swing with Dylan's help.

Besides taking Flat Stanley to places, Dylan had to send out another Flat Stanley to a friend or relative. He chose my mom who lives in South Carolina. He hopefully will have an adventure with Stanley, taking a picture of him during that adventure, write a brief letter about what Stanley did and send the letter, the pictures and Stanley back to the return address at his school site.

This will be exciting to see what responses the class get and what adventures Flat Stanley will be going on around the country and even the world! That part of the project excited me because I learned that the idea started back in 1980's. If you do know someone who has a child who is at a third grade reading, I personally advice him or her to read Flat Stanley.


Furry Bottoms said...

That sounds like a great project!! I remember in elementary school when we wrote something on a piece of paper and tied it to a floating balloon, then let it go in they sky. Whenever the balloon popped or died, it would land somewhere and someone would find it and on the piece of paper it included the school name and address so they could write and let us know where they got it. I don't remember the result, but the concept was awesome!:)

Anonymous said...

aww am glad boys get to spend time with flat stanley-- yeah i did that last spring, brought flat stanley to heidelberg, a well known town in germany & paris. it was lot of fun! i did for a friend's son project. i wished i kept the link so i can share here.. i could ask my friend if youd like to read her flat stanleys site. xo

Anonymous said...

heres the link as got from friend today! enjoy!

Laura and the family said...

Wow, I thought it was a neat way to get it all the way to Germany, and meet YOU!!!!

Did you know that this author wrote several books??? You can look it up on the Internet. Pretty Cool !

Deby said...

What a fun idea! I hope I get to do cool stuff like that with Alexis and Logan.

Dylan looks cute sitting next to Flat Stanley.

Cathy/Grandma/Mom said...

I would like to have my own Flat Stanley, might be easier to take with you than a husband. Just stuff him in the...