Sunday, September 28, 2008


A couple of days ago, Ryan had a substitute teacher. This sub teacher brought a HUGE spider displaying in a sealed tray for the class to see. That was a perfect visual aid for Science class. Also, it was a perfect timing for Ryan to see because we could even see many spiders trying to create the spider lings in our backyard! My husband, David even caught the live spider from our backyard patio and placed in a plastic bag. He and his brother, Dylan were fantasized while watching the spider spit her silk out in a plastic bag. I had the opportunity to show spider's stomach, legs, feelers, and eyes.

Ryan had an advantage to see a real close up spider both dead and alive. Thus, he was able to draw pretty good picture for a first grader. I was surprised to read his message because in the past he always thought the spiders were awful.
In fact, he had always been afraid of spiders and even spider lings in the past. But not when we all saw him taking a real close up look at the spider in a plastic bag. It is a small step for willing to overcome the fear.

Ironically when he showed a picture to his grandmother, he told her that he was afraid of a spider. Maybe he still is. He instead wanted to cover his fears in a front of his classmates. I consider it is pretty good to cover his real feelings: the fear of spiders.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic!!! A learning experience indeed for takes time naturally to overcome fears!

Furry Bottoms said...

I don't know what it is... why do spiders scare people? It freaks me out. I actually had a dream last night about a spider family... but anyway, I am glad to see Ryan's art and his story behind it!

Anonymous said...

He'll like them more as he learns more about them. I think they are fascinating, but when I was a kid I was scared to death of them. My stepbrother, Steve, used to tell me that they were the ones who should be scared cuz I was enormous to them. That made a lot of sense and I started to become curious instead of fearful.

C and B Scene said...

Ryan learned a lot. He even drew the spider with eight legs.. Pretty darn acurate for a little kid. Mom/CC