At first, it excited David because he used to be in Cub/Boy Scouts when he was a young boy. He wanted to share the same experiences with the boys. There were many young boys from age six to ten years old wearing the Uniform. Only few of the newcomers did not have a uniform. Our boys were one of them. We only wanted to see if they like to participate the club.
The volunteer leader was supposed to start giving the presentation out at 7 P.M. He instead started a forty-five minutes later. The presentation last for forty five minutes. It turned out that Dylan and Ryan were NOT the only boys were restless. In my personal opinion, I felt that the volunteer leader should take several breaks by doing activities and breaks since young kids have short span attention. What is your opinion ?
- Character Development- it depends on the leader's discipline to the scout.
- Spiritual Growth- I image they would.
- Good Citizenship- kids were bullies and rowdy.
- Sportsmanship and Fitness- I could see lots of physical activties
- Family Understanding-- found it odd that it does not fit due to long presentation
- Respectful Relationships-saw one of the boys shoved Ryan out of the seat.
- Personal Achievement- it depends on the patience.
- Friendly Service- I would say, "Yes, because they accepted Ryan as a mild disability."
- Fun and Adventure- the basic games did provide after the LONG presentation.
- Preparation for Boy Scouts- for this evening, I didn't think it was excellent preparation.
Both Dylan and Ryan tried their best sportsmanship by participating the activities and being nice to others. Bummer, both did not get the balls in their
Next Friday, we will go out for another Cub Scouts nearby our home. Let's hope the different leader is more preparation than we visited last Friday.
I love the concept of Cub Scouts... I believe it is good for the boys to learn all those things like character, living, understanding and they will also be better connected to themselves and the bond with other boys outside of school. I hope your boys get more interested in the club! :)
Go for it! Cub Scouts....let's hope that your boys can get more interested in joining up! We are considering having Davon join Cub Scouts as Tommy's mom gave us the club information last spring. See see! It all depends on what Davon gets interested in!
I better not say too much as we have our big night in two (2) days. Thank you so much for your feedback and it will help me understand things from those that are attending.
We are limiting our presentation to about twenty minutes and expect it to last a little longer with questions and answers.
However, things with powerpoint, computers, lighting and the number of other things can always go wrong.
I love the idea of tent building. However, only one activity is normally enough for a meeting.
The leaders all have great ideas and sometimes everyone wants to add what they believe will work and you end up with a little too much.
This happened to me personally when I invited the City Mayor to present at our Pack Meeting and we also had a card writing activity, awards, new website overview and a VERY slow internet connection.
I learned the lesson a hard way.
In looking for a suitable pack I would suggest that you talk to other parents at the same level. Review their calendar for the pass year. And ask yourself is their room for me to get involved and make a change in the character development of my kids and the others in the Pack.
You as a parent have to feel comfortable with the entire team of other parents.
If you have any questions, need help please feel free to send me an email.
Best wishes and hope you all have a lot of fun and it is really is a life changing mission you are about to undertake.
Cub Scout Den Leader
I have been Chad's Den leader for almost 2 years now. We have had lots of fun doing scouts together. However, it's different for us because we do it through church. There is no meeting that we go to to see if we want to sign up. When the boys turn 8, they are automatically included (and sometimes the moms too:) in the scouting program. It's pretty much expected. I'm glad though, because if it wasn't just a given, I might not be motivated enough to do it! Chad already tells me that he WILL become an Eagle Scout. Yay!
I'm with Heather... if it weren't such a big part of our church for the boys, I don't know that I would go out of my way to sign my boys up. We have 2 more years before Max begins Scouts, and I'm sure he'll love it. And I'm sure I'll end up being involved at some point. And I would LOVE it if all of our boys ended up getting their Eagle. It's my goal as their mom to help them. Parker just has a few more things to do before he can get his... I really hope he finds the motivation to finish up!
Good luck! You can always look into the troop in your "ward"- you don't have to be a member of the church for your boys to be able to attend Scouts there.
We had our recruiting meeting tonight.
Of course I came running in 2 minutes before it started with the LCD.
I assumed I was going to have a room filled with everyone looking at me.
It was nice all the new parents sat with our Committee Chair and the LCD was set up on a wall right next to them and it was more of a personal chat session.
I came past a few times to answer questions as I was getting things set up for the post-gathering activity.
I think our Committee Chair had the right method of a more one one one conversation setting while the kids were engaged in other activities.
I believe in scouts! I was a Girl Scout leader for 5 years for Katya and it was a freakin' lot of work - but well worth it.
We tried Girl Scouts up here in Bend, but didn't like the organization or the leader. So, here we are all about Campfire. They have both sexes so Alexis and Logan will be in a troop/herd/group together. Katya is still in Campfire and we are committed to go through until the end. It is also great on a college application from what I understand. It also teaches community service as well as planning for and attaining a goal. Be it a badge or anything else.
Leaders need help. They would love LOVE to have a parent willing to help in any way, shape or form so offer your creative assistance. It will make the whole experience that much more meaningful and rich for the whole family.
How did you second meeting turn out?
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