Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back To School Night

Last Wednesday, I had to work late at night for Back to School Night. It was amazing to see many parents came to visit the classrooms. As for my case, many parents of deaf and hard of hearing children do not come to visit the classroom. My first thought was that I had an opportunity to catch my assignments up.

Wrong! I was at least surprised to see one of my students' parents showing up in my classroom. That definitely tell me it is a good idea that they care for their child. Everything was arranged to have me a sign language interpreter with Spanish-English speaking parents in case any parent show up. It did not happen because we had unexpected more deaf parents of hearing children showing up at the Back To School Night. I was stuck without an interpreter. But fortunately both father and a hearing sibling were able to exchange communicating each other. What a relief! Otherwise, it would not look good for our deaf and hard of hearing program.

Know what the first thing they had asked me??!! The question was, "Aren't you going to be a teacher all year around?" It stunned me yet I understood their feelings quite well. In fact, they had three different long-term sub teachers in one year! They were relieved to hear my actual response.

While they were in my classroom, I had their child to show their update new signs after we had worked together in a classroom for three weeks. This 3 years old child had extra disability, was able to show few signs in a front of her parents: numbers, coloring and few other animal signs. I have encouraged the parents to take the child out to the zoo after I finished making animal signs book for the child and the parents to communicate at the same time. They loved my idea. It was a good feeling that we did have a good vibes.

After the parents finished chatting with me, I went to Dylan's 2nd/3rd grade class. I wanted to know what was her long term plan because everything was new to her for teaching a combo class. The exciting part was that she plans on having the students, including Dylan doing the Ecosystem Science Project. Oh what a fun for me to help him creating the project ! Another thing exciting was that he will be learning about voting. What a perfect timing for him and other students to learn all about voting!

During his math time, he does go out to 2nd grade math because it involves the Cognitively Guided Instruction (Problem solving). However, he already did some of the third grade math assignments just for fun. The teacher stated ,"No other second or third grade can do this, but he is very scholar in math." I giggled and said, "He got the trait from his dad." I personally think he will do well in both Science and Math.

Sadly, I was unable to attend Ryan's Back To School Night class. The time was limited. But Dylan had her last year, so I know Ryan's current teacher long term plan. She and I worked together for a 1st grade level on every Tuesdays, so I have general ideas on what she plans on teaching the kids this year.

Let's hope I will be able to succeed my students' long term plan. It also applies for both Dylan and Ryan.


Anonymous said...

It's a wonder that the poor child learned anything at all with so much turnover in her classroom. At least she has parents that care. What is her other disability? mom/cc

Anonymous said...

I forgot to ask...what did emily's parents think about their holding hands? and does Dylan have a new girlfriend? mom/cc

Deby said...

You rock as a teacher and a mom! And I am so glad that the school is letting Dylan work ahead to challenge himself. I got so mad at Poway when they told Katya to just read a book.