Saturday, June 2, 2007

Last Performance

On Friday early evening, we attended Ryan’s last performance at his pre-school. Throughout his “Country Jamboree” performance, he dressed up as a train conductor. Oh, he was a handsome little boy in the farmer’s country. As a city woman, I was one of the women who had a crush for him (whistled).

I have to be honest with you that I had a chance to look back from his first to last performance. He made a remarkable improvement. A year ago, he could not sing or stay throughout the performance. As a little snowman, he just stayed for a very short time, playing with his tambourine when each student was playing with his or her musical instrument. The sounds from the tambourine sounded too good for Ryan to stay his first performance. But when it was time for him to leave for another room so the other class could perform for the audience, he lost his temper. He instead ended up staying with us, while Dylan was still in the performance, in order to ease his anxiety. Perhaps, he thought we would abandon him or even punish him.

Dylan was also involved in his first performance a year ago. Though he is a stocky little boy, he could have fool anyone that he is NOT afraid of anything. Well, he was terrified and cried almost throughout of his first performance: seeing all of the parents and other kids looking at him . He occasionally kept signing, “Mommy!” Doesn’t this break your heart? However, this all has changed for better. Last Spring 2006, they smiled, sang and stayed throughout the performance.

Yesterday, we could see Ryan beaming his smile with his cute little costume. Without having any musical instrument, he did sing,Working on the Railroad, Over in the Meadow, and The Farmer in the Dell.” Pretty good for who just emerged his receptive and expressive language??? (I wish I could upload the youtube, but I am idiot. You will have to bear with us when I have a genius sister in law, Deby, visiting us in August and have her helping us to put all of the “long lost” videos we made for our website in August. So Please bear with us.)

With a heavy burden from his teacher at his pre-school, she has taught him to work on his language, interaction and eye contacts. While teaching him appropriately, they still adored each other very much. Every single day, they would exchange hugs and signs, “I Love You.” Without her or other teachers, Ryan would not have gone that far milestone especially singing within one year!. We wanted to thanks to all of the teachers, especially his current teacher, at his pre-school. Knowing, this would be his last performance at his pre-school before he graduates on June 27th. This had brought my tears to give our farewell.


Ginger said...

Lucky Ryan, to have such a caring teacher.

Deby said...

That is awesome to have Ryan make such wonderful progress in one year. He was indeed lucky to have such a great teacher. And let's not forget his fabulous mother that works with him almost daily!!