Today was the first day of a summer swimming lesson for both Dylan and Ryan. It was great because there were TWO VERY SMALL CLASSES.
Ryan started off his swimming lesson with only one other pupil in his class. His teacher took him and other student very easy by starting with blowing bubbles,feet splashing and doing the dog paddles. Eventually, he put his faces under the water.
The last few minutes of his first day of a swimming lesson, the instructor gave them the

privilege to play with the water toys. Ryan found a way to give an instructor a surprise by shooting the water at her. Fortunately, she laughed and decided to tit for tit with him. This took him a real surprise.
While Dylan and I were waiting for Ryan to complete his first day of a swimming lesson, Dylan pleaded to take a picture of me.

Admittedly, he did pretty good for the first time to take a picture of me. (I didn't smile because I didn't expect it would turn out good for the first shot. The next time will do. ) I did the same as for him, too.
After the swimming lesson has ended for Ryan, he took a few minutes of rest while his brother was at the lesson. He looked very relaxing with his new sunglasses. While Ryan was resting,

this is a first time in three years I didn't have to go in the water with either of the boys. I just left the boys out to the swimming instructors and allowed me to relax while watching them learning to swim (that's what we paid for!)
When it was Dylan's turn to swim, Ryan was on the other side of a swimming pool. No need to freak it out-- the water was only 1 to 1 1/2 feet deep. Thank goodness or I would have to grow more gray hair for being worry-warts without having David around.

Dylan was the only pupil on his first day of a swimming lesson. What a great advantage for him to have on one to one attention. He really needed that a lot because he is petrified of the deep water without a life jacket. This is the first time out of three summer swimming lessons; Dylan appeared to be dauntless by

trying to swim across the pool. For instance, he was willing to put his face in the water, blowing bubbles, and swam across the pool at 3 1/2 feet without touching his feet at the bottom of the pool (He is 4 feet and 1 inches tall.)Tall enough to cheat himself in the water, but he knew that he has to show his efforts at the end of his swimming lessons in order for us to buy him and Ryan a new toy. Aren't they spoiled, or am I being
We will see what's happening at the end of their swimming lesson on August 9
th. I will keep you posted.
Cute I am glad that Dylan is finally learning to swim. Its an important skill ( one that may save his life someday) and it is a great way to keep cool in the summer.
Dylan is certainly old enough to tke a picture with your camera. You just need to show him how to aim and set it on a fast shutter speed so it isn't blurred. 3 1/2 year old Jake does it all the time with Carols camera and many of his shots are pretty good - Mom
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