Last night, I discovered my older son, Dylan started out writing a storybook, but he did not finish the story. He needs your help, but he has two rules: only write about nice people and no girl stuff.
His story began:
Once upon a time, a little girl named Isabella made a very lovely chart to her, but not her mommy and daddy. Isabella's chart was made out of eyeballs, pictures, paper, bugs, and gum but she thought it was....
...not nearly gawdy enough, so she decided to add some glitter (to really give the bugs some much needed attention) and some flashing lights that spelled out...
too small, so she made it big enough to...
hold even more eyeballs. "Why can't you put some girl stuff on your chart?" sighed Isabella's mom.
"Because," said Isabella, "that would..."
....missing something, and she could not figure it out. It needed one more thing to make it just right!!!...."
...not nearly gawdy enough, so she decided to add some glitter (to really give the bugs some much needed attention) and some flashing lights that spelled out...
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