Monday, June 23, 2008

Wireless Phone

To my friends and family,

I wanted to forewarn you if you ever plan to come down to see your friends and family in California this summer. The new wireless telephone laws take affect on July 1st, You would not want to be caught by a California Highway Patrol and fine you. You will need the money for today's gas. So, don't lose the money for the gas.

If you are caught by a police, it will affect in your driving record but not the violation pointed. That includes possibly if you are text page while driving. It would depend on the police's opinion such as driver was distracted and not operating the vehicle safety. Again, it is also includes for the out-of-state drivers do not have such laws. Last, if you have children who is also minor and is driving, it is highly recommend him/her NOT to use phone/text page while driving, or your child will robbed your money.

The only thing the law permits: the passengers can use the phone while the drivers drive, and to use a Blue Tooth or other ear piece as long it is NOT covering both ears.

California is NOT first state banned to use the wireless phone. New York was the first state to ban the wireless phone. Knowing Washington State will also go affect the wireless phone on July 1st. My big bet is that the other states will follow the ideas. It may save someone's life, even yours. What do you think of this Wireless Telephone Laws?



Heather said...

I think people can still be distracted, even when using a blue tooth. I bought a supertooth - it is like a garage door opener that is on my visor and I can talk with that. The only thing is that the kids will have to listen to my conversations. I'm sure I will talk less in the car starting July 1st.

Furry Bottoms said...

I think the new law is AWESOME!! I really hate seeing people drive with their cell phone glued to their ear. It's so dangerous, and I have had many many near accidents because of other people using cell phones and not paying attention. It really makes me mad. If the driver is parked in a parking lot or on the side of the road, then fine, I have no issues with that... just don't use it while your wheels are moving!

Deby said...

I have no problem with that at all. I have used a hands free earpiece for years because I spent too much time in a car driving and I wanted to be able to talk on my phone. But holding that phone while driving makes me a bad driver. I know that it is too distracting to try and hold the phone and attempt to drive. You need both hands!