Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dylan's Post Surgery

On Monday afternoon, I took my older son, Dylan to have his two outer, bottom, baby teeth pull out in order to get his two inner, bottom, adult teeth straighten out. He has not eaten for six straight hours before the surgery. It was not an easy task for him because he likes FOOD!

By the time we arrived at the dentist office, he told me, "I will be brave to go because I am thinking of being a Peter Pan!" I liked his positive attitude. Then, his dad met us at the office. Dylan changed his mind and preferred to have his dad instead of me going with him in a surgery office. That was fine with me because his comfort was more important to me.

As soon he got in, the dentist gave him a Bubble Gum-Cherry Flavor sedative medication cup. Is it rad that the dentist office created variety of flavors for kids? Shortly after he finished drinking a cup, he was back in the office. He was being strapped around his wrists, legs and head in order not to move during the surgery. Then, the dentist gave him the medication to numb around his bottom gum and antithesis around his nose. Once two bottom teeth came out, David and I were stunned to see one inches long. So, he will write another letter for Tooth Fairy to earn extra point for the dentist.

An hour after his surgery, I bought him of his favorite drink, a Tall Orange Dream Machine from Jamba Juice. He was so GLAD he was able to drink it. He sat on our driveway where the sun would warm him up. Dylan admitted that the surgery office was COLD. That explains why he had his face toward the sun.

After he finished a whole cup of Orange Dream Machine, he was still HUNGRY! He pleaded for a bowl of oatmeal. During his meal, he was still cold and had his blanket covering around him. Still only one bowl of oatmeal was not enough. He had request for a second bowl of oatmeal.
Clearly, he was "FAMISHED."

Once he finished eating two bowls of oatmeal and a large drink of Orange Dream Machine, he soon was feeling sleepy. Dylan almost fell asleep out in our backyard patio. There was no way I could carry him to the couch. I had to wake him up and put him down on a couch. From then, he slept for straight twelve hours!


Cheryl said...

Yeah, he really earned his tooth fairy money this time! Glad he's doing well and that his appetite isn't suffering!

Furry Bottoms said...

Oh man, I remember when I had to have my teeth pulled out and I was a teenager. Dylan handled it way better than I did! :) Good for him! :)

Anonymous said...

Good for Dylan to get it over with! Glad that he is doing well post-op!

Anonymous said...

good to know dylans in good hands!! i didnt like having my teeth pulled in my late 20s i believe hee hee..

Deby said...

I find it amazing that his new teeth are already coming in! And he looks really cute with those missing teeth on the bottom too.