Sunday, June 29, 2008


This morning I had a rough start. First, I accidentally broke the mug's handle after I opened the freezer. Second, I spilled all over Root beer after filling the Popsicles. Third, I just mopped the kitchen floor a day before. Now, I had to mop it again.

Last, Dylan told me at his breakfast table, "Mom, Relax!Think of a place that makes you relax."

Isn't that sweet of having a seven year old son telling me to think of a place where I would relax? Do you know what my response was? I smiled and replied, "Going on a Disney Cruise."

Dylan said, "No, it will not happen in 370 more days."

I was bummed out and suddenly said, "How about Hawaii?"

Dylan thought it was a wonderful idea, "Let's going to Hawaii today!"

If you had a rough day, what is the first thing that would make you relax?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Visiting the Dentist

Since the boys are on their long summer break from school, I have decided to take them to the dentist. When we all walked in the dentist office, we were awed how much the office has changed. The office created lots of imaginations for children to young teenagers.

There were two offices in the same building. One was for the younger ones. The other office suited for older kids. One side of the building, it created Talking Tree, a giant mushroom with video games, Lego toys, and dressed up for the young kids. The other side of the office created as if they were entering in a rocket. There were three big t.v with lots of electricity lights. Even better, the office even offered Hot Drinks: Chocolate, Tea and Coffee Cafe for adults. This time I didn't drink because their names were called.

Dylan went up to get his teeth check. He was brave enough to go first. Having T.V. up in the ceiling helped him to relax while they were checking and cleaning his teeth. Unfortunately, he will have to go back to the dentist on Monday, the 30th to have two more bottom teeth being pulled out in order to have his teeth straighten. It meant that the dentist will have to give him a sedative medication. Can you image how would I handle my stocky son to the car while he walked wobbly? Personally, I think it would be better to get it done at an early age with a cheaper price than paying the braces if he waited too long.Ryan was next. He had no problem getting this procedures because having his brother's role model helped a lot. He was able to communicate with the dentist such as telling her he liked the bubble gum flavor. When the procedures were over, he was not pleased. In fact, he had a melt down. Believe it or not, he wanted to do more on his teeth. How many kids have you known that likes to go to the dentist?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Begging for Money

This evening, Ryan came up to me and begging me for money. The conversation between me and Ryan had left me cogitating for the evening.

R: I need twenty- five dollars.

M: Why do you need twenty- five dollars?

R: Because I need to enter the car race.

M: No, I am not going to give you a twenty five dollar for the car race.

R: Why?

M: Because getting into the car race is very dangerous. (We then walked in a separate way.)

R: (Ryan came back to me and begging for money) Okay, I need five hundred thousand coins. I can enter the race.

M: No, you are not going to enter the race. Why did I say, "No."

R: Because it is very dangerous. Mom! I need the money.

M: No, that s the end of the discussion!

He walked away without getting his wish.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Once Upon A Time....

Last night, I discovered my older son, Dylan started out writing a storybook, but he did not finish the story. He needs your help, but he has two rules: only write about nice people and no girl stuff.

His story began:

Once upon a time, a little girl named Isabella made a very lovely chart to her, but not her mommy and daddy. Isabella's chart was made out of eyeballs, pictures, paper, bugs, and gum but she thought it was....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Wireless Phone

To my friends and family,

I wanted to forewarn you if you ever plan to come down to see your friends and family in California this summer. The new wireless telephone laws take affect on July 1st, You would not want to be caught by a California Highway Patrol and fine you. You will need the money for today's gas. So, don't lose the money for the gas.

If you are caught by a police, it will affect in your driving record but not the violation pointed. That includes possibly if you are text page while driving. It would depend on the police's opinion such as driver was distracted and not operating the vehicle safety. Again, it is also includes for the out-of-state drivers do not have such laws. Last, if you have children who is also minor and is driving, it is highly recommend him/her NOT to use phone/text page while driving, or your child will robbed your money.

The only thing the law permits: the passengers can use the phone while the drivers drive, and to use a Blue Tooth or other ear piece as long it is NOT covering both ears.

California is NOT first state banned to use the wireless phone. New York was the first state to ban the wireless phone. Knowing Washington State will also go affect the wireless phone on July 1st. My big bet is that the other states will follow the ideas. It may save someone's life, even yours. What do you think of this Wireless Telephone Laws?


Friday, June 20, 2008

Kindergarten's Promotion

Can you believe my last baby, Ryan just finished primary school? It is hard to believe time flew by so fast. Ryan's Kindergarten's Promotion was short and sweet. Ryan introduce himself in a front of the parents.
He then said, "In Kindergarten, I learned to do the work."

The entire class sang a Kindergarten song. Before the second song began, Ryan said to the teacher in a front of parents, "My dad is here taking picture of us."

Ms. Hartig was passing each student's hand-made handbook for the parents.

Ryan, you've accomplished throughout your Kindergarten Year. We're proud of you. Congrats!

Last Day of School

Yippie, today is the last day of school!

This early morning, we all had to leave the house at 5:30 A.M! I admitted it was extremely difficult for me to be at work by 6:30 A.M. while the boys' schools started at 8 A.M. I instead had to drop them off at two different Extended School Services (E.S.S.) and be at work by 6:30 A.M. Can you believe I made it to work on time?

Even better, the boys were all perked up when I dropped them off at school sites. That was a relief because I know that they were not the types of kids who wanted to be dropped off at this dawn hour.

By the time, I got to work. I have already seen MANY students arriving late. At the same time, it was nice watching some of the 8th graders dressing all up for the graduation promotion. That was my only and last time I ever watched my Deaf and Hard of Students going on a graduation promotion. It was really nice yet it was awful HOT by sitting outside for two hours! While I was sitting among with my students' family for two hours, I felt like I was having dehydrated because it was 104 degrees, and had cramps on my legs and arms. I immediately knew I needed H20. I did take an immediate action. Luckily, I didn't collapse in a front of the families and students. I instead got a BAD sunburn on my face and back.

However, I know it was only temporary. The best part is having a LONG SUMMER VACATION before we return to work at a new school site and be with my two sons at the same school. Both Dylan and Ryan were thrilled to be out of school for the summer. They were not even tired when I picked them up especially being up at 5:00 A.M.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Transition Meeting

Just this afternoon, I attended my younger son's transition meeting. It turned out beyond what I had expected.

From three teachers' (General Education, Special Education, and Resource Specialist) perceptive in Ryan's performances all agreed that he went beyond his grade level. Thus, he will be placed in Resource Special Class thirty minutes a day to reinforce his writing and reading comprehension while he attends mainstream classes all day in the Fall. Frankly, I thought this is an extremely huge jump from 100 percent in special education class to above 80 percent in mainstream classes within one year.

1) His reading is at the beginning of second grade level. He jumped two grades within 10 months of schooling. The special education teacher said that none of her second grade students can read that high. While reading at a second grade level, he still needs to work on reading comprehension skills, though all of them mentioned that he has IMPROVED so much.

2) He is at the top of math. He is able to subtract at a difficult level. I guess Ryan got the genetic from his dad, who can do at the top of Calculus 3.

3) Ryan's directing writing assessment shows that he is at a proficiency level. He was close to the top of District Writing Assessment (DWA.) Actually, in the beginning of the school year, he was unable to spell or write any single word. Now, he can write at least 2 sentences. For example, he wrote exactly on DWA: "I see the buttfly is orange and black. It is
butitfl (beautiful.) "

4) His speech has improved incredibly. Ryan has passed almost all of his speech benchmarks except he needs to work on "S." Oh, that s very similar to me. I guess Ryan got this from me.

Everyone at the meeting mentioned including the principal, "He has showed a lot of motivation in learning. We need more students like him. He will be missed especially with his sense of humor. " They even raised their hands who experienced hearing the comment from Ryan, "Oh, that's boring!"with his mischievous laugh. This made me gulped for what he had said, but at the same time, I felt so proud of his achievement.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Let me tell you how wonderful David is to me and the boys.

1. There are times he always thinks of us first as a priority before he does his own thing.

2. He sure does have an enormous heart for all of us.

3. He always does double check with his immediate and extended family that we are happy. If any of us is in needed, he will be there to support you.

4. David is a handyman. While doing handyman, he has a lot of patience by making sure everything is PERFECT!

5. Yet, he does find a way to be playful and comical.


Family's Adventure

On Father's Day, David chose to go to his all time favorite place: San Diego County Fair aka Del Mar Fair. It was an easy day for all of us because we did not have to bring any extra clothes or using wagon for the day. Both Ryan and Dylan were able to tolerant by walking around the fair all day.

We were fortunately to park our van nearby the ticket booths. By the time we got in the fair, the first thing the boys were drooling over the huge snow cone. They had to share because it was too big for them to eat alone. David and I ended up getting them on letting them picking their half own flavor. They picked root beer and bubble gum. Doesn't it sounds weird to have them on the same cone with two flavors??

By the time, they completed their snow cone. We visited farm animals. Unfortunately, we saw less animals in the cage this year. I guess it had something to do with the cost fees: transport the animals and not be able to afford paying the soaring price, gas ! Despite of seeing fewer animals, we enjoyed petting a few weeks old energetic calf.

Next event, we went toward the kiddie rides. I have noticed they were increasing looking for the speed rides! It was a relaxing moment for me to let them go on rides alone while David and I stood out waiting for them to complete the rides. Ryan has finally learned to gear the bummer car's pedal. Dylan was able to pick the concepts fast including going through the Fun House with mirror mazes. We felt so bad Ryan kept bumping into the mirror until one of the workers taught him to use his hands to feel the opening. He made it through!!!

An hour and a half after we arrived, it was time for lunch! I couldn't believe how did the time went by. David was craving for the Texas beef sandwich and huge onion rings ! I only had one fourth of Ryan's left over corn dog because I was not hungry. Dylan was very much like his dad. Oh dear, can you image what would it be like to deal with him when he becomes a teenager???

It was too much to waste to go home from the fair on Father's Day. Would you believe both Dylan and I were brave enough to put our hands in Wax can? I must admit Dylan was more braver than me because he started wanting to try it out and give to his 1st grade teacher on Friday. The colors of his hand he chose turned out beautifully. After Dylan completed the job, I have asked Ryan if he wanted to try it so he could give it to his Kindergarten teacher. He was not brave enough. I ended up taking over his place.

Still, David's desire was to walk throughout the Fair. He wanted to take a look at inside of the buildings. Most of all, his desire was getting the homemade FUDGE bar. Of course, I avoided eating the high calories bars!

Around five p.m, the boys started to act it out at the end of the afternoon: fighting, pushing and spinning in a circle. We knew it was their way of saying, "We have had enough!" Still, I thought it was pretty good for them to put it all up by walking all over the fair without a wagon. This was especially great for me to walk and burn all of the calories I have had at the fair for six and a half hours! The best of all, we had a chance to go out to the fair on a lovely weather especially to grant David's Father Day wish.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


After I have downloaded the pictures, I discovered my older son, Dylan was sneaking out by using our camera without our knowledge.

Dylan was so proud to tell the world that he lost his first baby tooth.
Yet, he lost his second bottom tooth a few days later.

He loved being in the vain.

Monday, June 9, 2008

It's Bath Time!

Shortly after we had a quick dinner, the boys decided to go out in the back yard to play with their toy cars while my husband was fast asleep on a couch. Dylan and Ryan were pretending they were in a car race as I was sitting outside observing their play time.

Unexpectedly, the water sprinkles went on. Ryan was not happy because he left one of the play sets out in the water area. Dylan, who had a big heart, was brave enough to rescue Ryan's toys with his regular clothes. However, Dylan decided to bend the rule by continuing to play in the water. It did not work when I scolded him to get out of the wet area. Soon enough, Ryan joined the club.

What can I do with my boys who wouldn't obey my rule? They were happily getting their clothes wet by playing tag in our tiny backyard. So, why should I bother stopping them while they were having a life-time,fun memory? I thought this would last for a short time. But, I was wrong. It didn't stop them until they were completely soaked.

Before they were completely soaked, they decided to hop in a mini mud bath. They first dove in a wading puddle before they wrestled each other. Then, they decided to wash their hair out of a dirt. It was a perfect ending before they hit for a REAL clean shower.

Now, I wonder what would David say after he learned from reading this blog. What kind of reaction do you think David might have toward me?

Silly Monday

When we all came home from work and school, the boys, including my husband decided to be silly on the first day of the week.

David surprised Ryan by flipping him over his shoulder. He giggled.

Dylan thought he could attack us when I was about to tickle him.

That's a great way to start of the week, isn't it?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Violating Personal Property

Aren't you getting sick of paying for the soaring gas price? If you are, then you are not the only ones. Many of us are suffering with the high payment.

The worst part of many people are starting to violating other people's property by stealing the gas out of your car! For instance, have you ever thought about business-suit wearing women stealing gas ? I wouldn't until the Florida newspaper gave me a wake-up call. There were no way you could read anyone anymore. Thus, we ended up deciding to buy two gas cap lock
keys this evening for our two cars. It only cost us fifteen dollars of each with key. That is far cry cheaper than losing the entire gas you had spent such as fifty or sixty dollars. Don't let this happen to you if you don't start the action. So start act it up by buying the Cap Lock Key at Pep Boys.

But the report from Idaho says lately, more people are stealing license plates before they steal gas. For those who steal the license plate, they usually go to the gas station and to fill the gas up without paying where the local gas stations do not require the pre-payment. Isn't that terrible? Again, it clears that there are so many disrespectful people for taking someone's property. However, the good news is that nearly every gas station had installed the surveillance camera.

Now, it makes me wonder what is the next thing people would do violating other's property.

Chocolate Milk

During lunch, Ryan made a comment while he was holding a cup of chocolate milk, " Mom, chocolate milk makes me brown." I thought it was a pretty good thinking since he does have olive skin like me :-=)

If you have kids said anything darndest thing to say, please share it with me. I would love to have a laugh/smile with you.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Stomach Flu?

Yesterday, both of my students were telling me that their stomach upset them. One of them ended up going home from school early.

The next morning, Dylan, my older son, woke me up at 4:15 AM telling me that his stomach did not cooperate him quite well. I immediately knew it must be the stomach flu. Otherwise, it would not worth to embrass him at school, or even getting a phone call from school if he falls asleep at school.

My younger son, Ryan did not eat much last night. I was not sure if he has the same problem as his older brother, Dylan. To be safe on the side, I ended up staying home from work, and to take care of them.

At the same time, I could catch my house chores up for the day. Let's hope their stomach upset improves later on the day.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Awesome Open House!

Just last night, Dylan, Ryan and I went to Ryan's Open House at his school site. Before we visited Ryan's two different awesome classrooms: General Education and Special Education was visiting the Art Gallery in cafeteria. Each student had their own art work displaying on the wall from each teacher. I must admit I was impressive when I saw Ryan's art display on the board. You can judge his picture.After we finished visiting the art museum, we stopped by of our favorite place: book fair. I bought three books for the boys to read: Animal Strike at the Zoo, All aboard the Dinotrain and,Tiger Can't Sleep. I can't wait for them to read these books. As soon after I finished purchasing the books, we met the other parents, teachers and students at the front of the office, where they had their dinner.

While we were waiting for teachers to allow us entering the classroom, Ryan hung around one of his good friends, Alexander from his General Education classes. He formally introduced his friend to me. " Mom, this is my friend, Alexander." " This is my mom. " Wasn't that sweet of him do this proper manner without prompts? They both had a back and forth conversation. While Ryan and Alexander were busy chatting each other, Dylan went out to chat with other person. It was a short, relaxing moment before we got ourselves busy visiting the two classrooms.
The first classroom was his General Education classes: Language Arts and Math. This teacher, Ms. Hartig had a brilliant idea by displaying her "Rain forest" classroom theme. There were brown butcher twigs with green leaves all over the classroom. She even had students coloring rain forest animals and hung them up on the trees. Can't you believe that she even brought another awesome ideas of making a binocular out of two empty toilet paper rolls and put it together?

She even had another side of the wall: Farm Animals. That also included bring the four live chicks. The Kindergartens had the opportunity to watch them hatching the eggs. I bet the kids, including Ryan would NEVER forget this
wonderful opportunity. Before we left for another classroom, Ms. Hartig, the general education teacher, mentioned how proud he had done remarkable well in her class. He adored her very much!

The last classroom we visited was his Special Education classes. He only is there for an hour of each day. Mrs. Jacobson also had incredible classroom theme: "Underwater Sea Animals." She had so many blue cellophane to make it looks like water waves. Another impressive was making each student's body with a swimming mask on the top of the ceiling. Unfortunately, Ryan's was not on the top of the ceiling because he is mostly involved in mainstream classes. The only positive comment from her was, " I can't wait to tell you at the transition meeting on how well he is doing all of his classes on June 17th." (So look out for my post on the night of 17th.)

I would say I was so glad I came to the Open House for three reasons: to support my son's, collected little information about Ryan's update work performances, and lastly stealing some of the ideas for my classroom.

Snap, Crackle and Pop !

What does it remind you of Snap, Crackle, and Pop!? If you had guess it is Rice Krispie, you are correct. Doesn't it sound too good to have this treat once in a while?

Out of blue, David decided to teach our sons baking Rice Krispie. Doesn't that making your mouth watering? It did to my two sons who were thrilled to have this kind of dessert. Both young chefs started out with enthusiastic.

Dylan started out melting the marshmallows. In fact, he was hoping he would be able to eat only marshmallows. We declined his wishes. He soon left after we had declined his wishes to eat only marshmallows. What an attitude he had! He preferred to make everything quick and easy.

Ryan was on the other hand. He persisted to go through the steps until the end of the treat.
Have you ever thought about providing this Rice Krispie as a birthday cake? I didn't until I did the cooking research. Frankly, I thought it was a perfect way for anyone who does not like a birthday cake. I am one of them. This will be for the next birthday party. Maybe I can make my own birthday cake. What additional flavor would you like to have it on your rice krispie?

Another thing we can do with the Rice Krispie is to collect all of the Kellogg's cereals for Science Research. For example, you can find out and see which treats would prove most compelling, popular and delicious. Isn't that clever idea to do this for as a Science Project?