Sunday, October 5, 2008


How much do you know about the history of Jelly Beans ? I didn't until I researched about Jelly beans. It occurred in the late 1800's as the earliest recorded advertisement was made by William Schraft in which he promoted sending these treats to Union Soldiers engaged in the Civil War.

In the early 1900's, Jelly Beans became a staple penny candy item and were one, if not the, first confectionery items to be sold by weight hence the claim that they were the first bulk candy.

The peak season for Jelly Beans is Easter and it wasn't until the 1930's that they became part of the festive tradition. It was around the time of our former President Reagan born. No wonder why he LOVED Jelly beans.

As the egg shape represents fertility and birth, the jelly bean serves as a perfect holiday metaphor. The fictional and beloved Easter Bunny is believed to deliver eggs as a sign of the coming of spring and spiritual rebirth. Isn't it interesting?

Jelly beans continue to be an American favorite and approximately 14 billion were sold last year. If you lined these end to end, they would circle the globe three times! Can you image that? It would have upset my stomach.

One afternoon, David decided to buy Jelly beans from Costco out of blue. He wanted the boys to get the experience of tasting many different flavors. Good thing, they only tried few and were not in the mood for the Jelly beans.

While we still have a jar of Jellybeans in our home, Dylan wanted to be in a ham. Truthfully, he pleaded me to video him which I did.(He is still learning how to use the video appropriately on one topic only.) He used his voice and sign at the same time, while I only signed. Thus I am challenging for hearing people to figure it out what did I say... Enjoy !


Anonymous said...

HA! enjoyed this vlog! your son is adorable!! love when kids signs!! i LOVE jellybeans too!! im not picky with any flavors but i do like licorice too-- but i think my FAVORITE flavor is umm... green apple and its good seeing you on vlog too!! xoxo

Furry Bottoms said...

Awesome job for Dylan to sign on video!! :) It was great to see you on it too... So you like black licorice, huh? I LOVE jelly beans.... There is a Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield, CA (between Sacramento and San Francisco)and it was a neat place to explore. you could see how they made the jelly bellies and my most favorite in the world are the jelly flops. These are the jelly bellies that do not make the grade... they're misshapen or the colors came out wrong, so they don't make it to the grocery stores. You can only buy it there, and they're the BEST!!!

Anonymous said...

heres the link from ebay that niks speaking of-- wowowow

i always wanted to take FB to jelly belly factory one day as i never been there--

Cheryl said...

I was just going to leave a comment about the Jelly Belly factory, but it looks like Aunt of 14 beat me to it. My college roommate was from the Bay Area and used to bring big jars of Belly Flops back from her visits home. I have lots of fond memories of the buttered popcorn and juicy pear flavors.