Sunday, October 12, 2008

Loving and Doing the Scrapbooks

Have you ever thought about when the scrapbook really began? It began to start out with the recipes, quotes, letters, poems, family tree, and more during the 15th Century in England. From there, it eventually added more pictures, newspaper clippings, letters and even yearbook. I honesty have not thought about this after I finished reading the History of Scrapbook. Then, I realized I still have my own personal album that I kept it during my childhood experiences such as Girl Scouts badges, needle points of Raggedy Andy and even get a signature of my favorite pop star, Shaun Cassidy.

Fast forward, the scrapbook activities began in Utah by going out to someone's else house. This still goes on all over the United States. Just two years ago, I was introduced to attend a workshop by a wonderful and helpful deaf hostess where there were other guests in the house for a full day. On my first day of attending the workshop, I had the envious of others for doing SO WELL and AWESOME job. With all of the supporters and encouragement, it had kept me going to complete my first 50 pages album: "MY FAMILY." Believe it or not, it took me over a year to complete the first book.

I then started out completing my "WEDDING" book that my thoughtful sister in law, Deby started on the first few pages. The book cover matched to our wedding color and the pages along with the pictures. It turned out the most beautiful book. This shall treasures my marriage to my wonderful husband.

On Saturday, I was at the workshop for straight 13 hours without kids on my third album. Without having kids around were blessing for me in order to concentrate on my top secret gift. It took me thirteen hours to finish 14 pages. I am hoping to complete at least fifty pages by this Christmas. Certainly, I hope I will do because I wanted to make this special person smiles for a life time. That is if Santa Claus grants me.

While I was at the workshop, I was one of the luckiest guests. In fact, I won TWO prizes. One was guessing the numbers of corn kernel candies (I'm not fond of eating this candy.) I only was two points lower from the actual corn kernel candies in a jar. The prize was getting leaves punch cut. Later on that evening, I also won a mini auburn scrapbook. This is a perfect way for me to make my "Friends in Old Days." It has fewer pages because I did not take lots of pictures back then. Now, it is a different story. Instead of leaving old pictures in a large plastic bag, I will put everything in the book which is one of out of my many projects.

Besides of being lucky, I felt so good that I had improved so much over the last two years. Now, I started wanting to have everything. This time, I had eyes for die cutters, tool kits, punches and Sizzix. Once I get lots of practices by playing with these tools, I will do more like becoming one of the expert in making scrapbook just like from the Scrapbook Memories magazine. Will this dream of mine become a reality?

Now, it is worth loving and doing the scrapbooks because it is not a complete waste. Looking at the albums can make anyone smile or even feel special. That is a far cry better than going out gambling and lose all of the money.


Deby said...

LUCKY!!! I have always wanted to do one of those scrapbooking weekends. I have to wait another year or two before the kids will be old enough to leave them with Bob and Katya. They have one at a local hotel, but there is always so much to be done here I can't justify the time off.

I can't wait to see your albums!! Bring them up at Christmas so I can oooh and aaah at them.

Furry Bottoms said...

I learned a new deaf word from Daisy--- "fistkiss" which you know means when you really really love something or to do something. You kiss the top of your fist in ASL. I read on her FB her friend always uses this term... soo... let me apply that here. You *fistkiss* scrapbooking- so do I! I am completely ADDICTED to Sizzix (and beads and books and food and the internet and... you get the idea.) I have a boxful of sizzixes and sizzlits! If I lived closer to you, for sure I would let you borrow to make your albums! I have made several albums over the last few years. I would love to see something you made!! :) You're right, it is NEVER a waste of time or money because these are memories that you will always cherish!!