When we got in a VAST Calbela's Store, I was awed to see so many different aspects of outdoor supplies. It ranged from Hunting, Fishing and Outdoor Gear. It is completely different from REI
By the time, we were leaving for Seattle from Cabela's store, there were several small hails falling off from the sky. Like I said, I felt secure to have David driving our van instead of me especially at this time of weather. (See the tiny snowflakes falling on our van's front window.)
As soon as we settled few miles north of Seattle, I met one of my good friends, Nikki whom I have not seen her in person for twenty years. It was really sweet of her meeting us at a hotel despite of her broken ankle with a boot on her right leg. From there, we ate and chat over a dinner meal nearby our hotel. We indeed did spend each other the following day.
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